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» Spring Framework
打印话题 寄给朋友 订阅主题 |
作者 | Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [精华] |
CJSDN高级会员 发贴: 19 积分: 62 |
于 2004-08-28 23:34
最近实在是太忙,全国到处飞奔救火... 周末整理了一下,先发个预览版吧。 希望大家能指出不足和缺陷,如果觉得有什么地方有疏漏欢迎提出 too thanks! //updated 2004.9.2 补全持久层部分,修订文档版面。
keron edited on 2004-09-02 13:15
Windows环境下的tomcat + apache配置(绝对实践操作版) |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
猫哥 CJSDN高级会员 发贴: 1506 积分: 333 |
于 2004-08-28 23:41
davidself edited on 2004-09-02 13:27
--108的上铺-- davidself@twitter 为什么这个Applet不能在浏览器显示啊? |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 0 积分: 0 |
于 2004-08-28 23:52
引用: 2003 年年初,笔者在国外工作。其时,一位与笔者私交甚好的印度同事Paradeep从 开头就很吸引人... 学java的朋友,请一起来投票让sun推出中文jdk文档!!! |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 54 积分: 10 |
于 2004-08-29 09:15
简单浏览了开头几页,叹为观止。 是本难得见到的好书。更吃惊的竟然是“部分预览”就如此引人入胜。 担心全书出来后下载不到,留个邮箱,请百忙之中给发一份。 谢谢! 一个程序员的奋斗历程 |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-08-29 09:48
glad to see a chinese document like this. A lot of work, well done. Now I feel much better, after commenting on a previous post: This one is on a solid ground, not hanging in the air. I wish one day, not only we could understand these topics in chinese, but also find more problems and solve them in these areas. This will put us in the frontiers of the battleground. This requires more experience, more patience, more hard work, and more intellegence. This also requires not just one man, but collective work from many. "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code 学java的朋友,请一起来投票让sun推出中文jdk文档!!! |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 80 积分: 55 |
于 2004-08-29 12:08
读了作者的《iBatis开发指南》、《Hibernate开发指南》后一直期待《Spring开发指南》,今天终于看到啦,尽管是预览版,期待正式版中的Spring+iBatis。 作者应该是国内J2EE领域的大师级的人物,jdon的banq 2年前还是可以的,不过现在热衷于money,他对Spring的认识太肤浅了。 关于女孩子从事软件开发的问题 |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-08-29 12:37
1. Page 3, for core and app packages, the only dependency is commons-logging.jar. Also there is a seperate spring-core.jar, which is very small. Use this under jdk1.4 is quite convenient. 2. page 6, should be all action classes don't have Spring API, but the client(caller, test method) still has it. 3. Page 9, very good comments. 4. Page 24, Struts' design has some problems mentioned in the book. Spring's Controller implementation does depend on servlet api, but can be fixed. I have a sample code in my tutorial in the chain controller section. This is not a serious problem in practice in general because: 1. we can use *simple* mock to test controllers outside the servlet container(If the mock is not simple, it would be a problem); 2. The controller classes should be simple now(If not, there is something wrong in the code). 5. page 56, I agreed that <spring:bind> is invasive, the main problem is the combination of spring tag and <c:out...> would trigger the double quote, which causes the serious problem. 6. page 68, callbacks interrupts the natural logic. Too many callbacks may cause confusion. I suggest that either use the object package or wrap the callback in a generic class using SQLExecutor's idea. Or use Hibernate or iBATIS. my 2 cents.
floater edited on 2004-08-29 12:39
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code Java应用者与<IDE/环境> |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
CJSDN高级会员 发贴: 19 积分: 62 |
于 2004-08-29 13:12
Great Thanks!! especially to Floater. Yesterday after I post this titile, I found your article about Spring MVC. Great work! I will keep on working on this document, hope will finish it before 10.7 Glad to disscuss with all the friends here. Thanks. SWT Designer v1.2.3 Released! |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-08-30 06:10
you are welcome. I also read your other two documents, ibatis and hibernate. I am thinking about we should have a doc on dao and transactions. "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code 25了才开始学JAVA晚吗? |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 2 积分: 0 |
于 2004-08-30 14:23
谢谢! 搞笑QQ图片 |
作者 | Re:Spring 开发指南 0.5 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 1 积分: 0 |
于 2004-08-30 16:53
欣赏中... 谢谢 初学者与<书> |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
CJSDN高级会员 发贴: 19 积分: 62 |
于 2004-09-02 13:16
文档更新 0.6 released。 Windows环境下的tomcat + apache配置(绝对实践操作版) |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
猫哥 CJSDN高级会员 发贴: 1506 积分: 333 |
于 2004-09-02 13:27
文章受益匪浅!继续支持! --108的上铺-- davidself@twitter 从Coding Fan到真正的技术专家 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 114 积分: 2 |
于 2004-09-02 13:38
谢谢楼主的 OpenDoc Series's "So many open source projects. Why not Open your Documents" 漂亮! 向楼主学习ing 基于WEB的J2EE报表解决方案集锦 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
Explorer 发贴: 155 积分: 30 |
于 2004-09-02 19:09
I just printed it out (though, personally, i prefer the English version), and plan to open it in my favorite pub along the east coast of Irish sea.
zyzhang edited on 2004-09-02 19:14
JBuilder使用技巧 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 10 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-07 12:02
very good! 学习java的工具(IDE)有什么? |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 0 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-10 10:17
谢谢 JBuilder使用技巧 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 183 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-13 16:30
赞扬的话就不说了,楼主,有空1.1的文档也整理出来,我们这群懒汉都靠您了 叫我包子 为什么这个Applet不能在浏览器显示啊? |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-09-19 11:07
page 85, I think ibatis is not an ORM, just an OR. Hibernate is an ORM. "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code 致JAVA初学者+如何下手学JAVA |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 183 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-22 15:25
register那个例子,validator自己怎么会知道要处理的表单对象呢? 我觉得spring组装强制用接口. 这样写好象合理点:
叫我包子 关于 异常 。。。。 谢谢指教 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 1 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-22 21:58
thanks 我有一点感想和初学者们同享(原创) |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 183 积分: 0 |
于 2004-09-24 13:25
我收回上个回复,大家看了这个文档后可以去看看spring example jpetstore 中的AccountValidator,体会更深 叫我包子 JBuilder使用技巧 |
作者 | Re:Updated! Spring 开发指南 0.6 released... [Re:keron] |
发贴: 18 积分: 10 |
于 2004-10-07 11:11
thanks 学习java的工具(IDE)有什么? |
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