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作者 Clearmake & Ant[转]

发贴: 56
积分: 50
于 2003-08-07 13:15 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
I am using clearmake and ant in building and configuring (our process for
capturing a frozen version of our software) a client-server application
written using Java.

To accomplish this, I have a small makefile which simply runs ant to build
our jar files, for example:

# Target Rules:

all: ${main_app} ${sub_app1} ${sub_app2}

ant -file ${main_app}.xml jar_all

ant -file ${sub_app1}.xml

ant -file ${sub_app2}.xml

The main advantage for doing so is that I can use the configuration record
from jar files (built using ant through clearmake) to identify and label
source files which were used in the build. This is part of the mechanism we
use for configuring our software.

Right now, our product is fairly small - we rebuild all every time and
aren't concerned with minimal rebuilds. We haven't noticed any disadvantages
- maybe since it's the first Java product we've developed.

Hope this helps.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
5040 Clearmake & Ant[转] javapro 1128 2003-08-07 13:15
4189 Re:Clearmake & Ant[转] floater 128 2003-08-07 22:12

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