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作者 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! [Re:errorter]

发贴: 114
积分: 2
于 2003-11-20 19:26 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

Hello Javalobby,

First of all, I have been asked by Sun to thank you profusely for your
overwhelmingly positive response to the CAP program.
( Poor Ms.
Ingrid Yao had so much mail from you that it crashed her email account
twice today. Javalobby members rule! You are the heart and strength of
the Java developer community.

The CAP program, it turns out, was designed to handle at most about 20
participants. It's unclear how many requests arrived at Ms. Yao's
mailbox in the past 24 hours, and they are still streaming in, but it is
very safe to say that it is well over 20 times 20 and growing. This is a
truly good thing, but it has created a series of challenges that will
take a little bit of time for Sun to handle and will require your
patient support.

The good news is that, as a direct result of your great expression of
interest in early access to J2SE 1.5, Sun has decided to accelerate the
schedule for general availability of pre-release J2SE 1.5 build by
several months. In addition, you will NOT have to to fill out a bunch of
unwieldy documentation and fax it back to anyone. Instead, you'll just
be able handle everything through the web, with the end result being a
simpler process and the convenience you are accustomed to.

The bad news is that this will take a little bit more time. Not much,
but the reality is that Thanksgiving is right around the corner in the
US, and there's just no way that everything can be put together quickly
in a way that Sun's legendary legal experts will approve.

Here's the bottom line. I am assured by the J2SE Steering Committee that
every possible step is being taken to accelerate the delivery of J2SE
1.5 builds and get them into your hands for feedback and testing, but it
just cannot happen until sometime in early December at the earliest.

Sun has taken a much bigger step in the right direction than they were
actually prepared to handle. As a result of the response from YOU, Sun
is now going to deliver early access to J2SE 1.5 probably 60-90 days
before it would otherwise have become available. They have recognized
your interest and needs, and they have taken real measures to be
responsive. This is an example of the leadership we all want to see at
the center of the Java world, so I urge you to join me in congratulating
them for making this decision.

Some of you may feel disappointed that you won't have access to J2SE 1.5
tomorrow, but please try hard to understand the complexity of making
this rapid change inside Sun's large engineering and QA teams to respond
to your desires. They are telling the truth, they cannot do it any
faster today, but perhaps your input in this has helped highlight a
future path to an even more successful partnership between the platform
provider and the world of developers who support them so strongly.
Understand the success that you have caused for all of us, and be
patient for the time it takes for Sun to change its own mode of
operations to meet your needs better.

Finally, I just want to say that I am always humbled by the impact of
the Javalobby's collective input. It keeps me mindful of my own
responsibilities and grateful for the chance you have given me to try to
do good things for Java developers. Sometimes it really works, and it is
one of life's rich rewards when it does. Thank you!

Your friend in Java,
Rick Ross

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
8346 Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! errorter 642 2003-11-19 15:26
6984 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! errorter 3546 2003-11-20 19:26
6092 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! kingwzb 18 2003-11-22 11:09
5913 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! FOCL 22 2003-11-22 20:29
6193 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! liang_chen 7 2003-11-24 20:42
6489 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! ditty 19 2003-11-25 08:24
6343 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! 米国老 7 2003-11-27 13:43
5728 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! bjwz 12 2003-11-27 21:12
6816 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! errorter 116 2003-11-28 00:15
5948 Re:Get the latest J2SE 1.5 builds NOW! jfml 15 2003-11-28 09:18

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