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于 2007-05-18 15:38
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TwoListenInner{ private Frame f; private TextField tf; public static void main(String[] args){ TwoListenInner that=new TwoListenInner(); that.go(); } public void go(){ f=new Frame("Two listeners example"); f.add("North",new Label("Click and drag the mouse")); tf=new TextField(30); f.add("South",tf); f.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionHandler()); f.addMouseListener(new MouseEventHandler()); f.setSize(300,300); f.setVisible(true); } public class MouseEventHandler extends MouseAdapter{ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){ String s=new String("the mouse entered"); tf.setText; } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){ String x=new String("The mouse left the building"); tf.setText; } } public class MouseMotionHandler extends MouseMotionAdapter{ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){ String o="Mouse dragging x="+e.getX()+"y="+e.getY(); tf.setText; } } }