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作者 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? [Re:ysonic]

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于 2005-06-14 21:18 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
1. Intro

This sample illustrates how to convert to a JRE-independent executable
a Java GUI application that uses SWT instead of Swing/AWT.

SWT is an open source Java GUI toolkit independent from AWT and
JFC/Swing. Benefits of using SWT, as well as other information,
can be found at:

SWT is a part of Eclipse SDK, which you may download from:

Using both SWT and Excelsior JET, you may significantly reduce the size
of the installation package of your Java GUI applications. Specifically,
if your application uses SWT but does not use AWT/Swing, Excelsior JET,
Professional Edition enables you to compile it into an executable that
does not require JRE at all. As a result, your installation package
includes only the following components:

- your application executable
- SWT native methods DLL (swt-win32-xxxx.dll)
- a subset of JET runtime (dynamic libraries)
- supplementary files (manuals, samples, etc.)

Figures in Section 5 below show that the size of a complete installation
package for a simple SWT application is about 4 megabytes.
Moreover, it can be further reduced with the help of JetPerfect Global

To recap, SWT and Excelsior JET helps you get quite a reasonable download
size for your appication, not to mention superior performance and code
protection inherent to ahead-of-time native code compilation.

2. About this sample

This sample relies on a small SWT-based program that draws the Mandelbrodt set.
The following files are inclided:

buildjar.bat script to create MandSet.jar
runjar.bat script to run MandSet on a JVM

buildexe.bat script to transform MandSet.jar to MandSet.exe java source of the sample application
MandSet.ico icon file for the executable
MandSet.gif icon file for the title bar manifest file to convert MandSet.jar into so called
"executable jar". That's not a native executable - just
a wrapper with class files inside

_MandSet.prj Excelsior JET project file (generic, needs tuning)

3. How to build

Ensure that javac.exe and jc.exe are avalaible through PATH.
Suppose <ECLIPSE_HOME> is the Eclipse SDK installation directory.

Copy files


to the directory that contains this "readme" file. Note that XXXX encodes
an SWT version number, e.g. SWT 2.135 uses swt-win32-2135.dll.

Run buildjar.bat to create MandSet.jar that you may run by double
clicking or starting runjar.bat.

Now, tune the generic Excelsior JET project file as follows:

- Open _MandSet.prj in JET Control Panel.

- On the Classes Page, expand the "swt.jar" node (or the "org" node)
until the org.eclipse.swt.internal.awt (or org.eclipse.swt.awt in
newer versions of SWT) package node becomes visible.

- Right click on the org.eclipse.swt.internal.awt/org.eclipse.swt.awt
node and uncheck "Force into the project". This manipulation removes
the AWT-SWT bridge from the compilation set, thus enabling
the resulting executable to run without a JRE.

- Select File/Save As..., type "MandSet.prj" and click Save.

- Close the JET Control Panel.

Run buildexe.bat to create MandSet.exe.

4. How to prepare installation

Run JetPackII, and select the New button on the splash screen.

Select New package type.

Add MandSet.exe and swt-win32-XXXX.dll to the package on the Files page.

Select "Do not use JRE" on the JRE page.

Select the locales that your application has to support on the JET RT page

Perform the Trial Run.

Select Excelsior Installer as Backend.

On the Misc page, fill in vendor information such as company, product and
version, and define shortcuts for the executable.

Create the installation package on the Finish page.

That's all, now you can deploy your application.

5. Package size figures

This example is a small program. It's a few kilobytes in size.
Let us compare sizes of installation packages:

MandSet.jar + swt.jar + swt-win32-xxxx.dll, zipped: 1.0 MB
requires a JRE to be pre-installed on enduser systems

The same plus JRE 1.3.1 without optional files, zipped: 6.8 MB
includes a JRE

MandSet compiled by JET, packaged by JetPackII: 3.6 MB
does not require a JRE

MandSet compiled by the JetPerfect Global Optimizer, zipped: 1.3 MB
does not require a JRE


For more information about JetPerfect, see Chapter "JetPerfect global
optimizer" of JET User's Guide.

Also, check out the sample from ../JetPerfect


人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
9471 请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ysonic 36 2005-06-14 14:28
8732 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? Jove 26 2005-06-14 15:41
8344 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? why 51 2005-06-14 16:52
10994 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ysonic 5153 2005-06-14 21:18
9552 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ljy0000 1454 2005-06-15 10:22
8457 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ysonic 26 2005-06-15 12:41
9282 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ljy0000 1666 2005-06-15 15:25
8810 Re:请问 Excelsior JET 怎样使用? ysonic 11 2005-06-15 21:24

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