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该话题已被锁定 - yamakasy , 2003-05-13 21:20
作者 SCEA Project

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积分: 10
于 2003-03-02 11:16 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Technology
Part 1 of the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Exam, the multiple choice test, tested your knowledge in the areas of general architecture and J2EE. Part 2 of the exam will test whether you can apply that knowledge to a business problem and come up with the architecture and design of a system using J2EE. You will be required to read through requirements and business models, and then architect and design a system to support the requirements. Remember the most important requirement of all: it must be J2EE.
Table of Contents:
This document is broken down into the following sections:
FlyByNight, Inc. (FBN) has been in business for 10 years as a regional commuter airline. FBN does not follow industry standards and uses their own travel agents to book all airfares. The FBN travel agents use a legacy system written in Cobol that accesses an IMS database through 3270 screens. FBN uses TransMaster to process the credit cards for flight purchases. FBN communicates with TransMaster via a secured socket across a dedicated line. TransMaster, in order to expand market share, is in the process of creating a new API that relies on the Internet. See the attached TransMaster API Specification.
FBN also has a frequent flyer mileage system that tracks mileage earned and used. To this point in FBN’s existence, it is the only system that has a web interface. FBN travel agents with their 3270 terminal do not have access to this system. So, when customers decide to book awards travel the agent must place the customer on hold and go to a shared computer to retrieve the customers mileage account status. FBN does not wish to re-write this system at this time, but would like to have the content available to the customer using the web and the travel agent using an application. This system was developed using Perl, HTML, CGI and an Oracle database.

Recently, FBN decided to expand operations to fly nationally. In addition to FBN travel agents, they want to make it easier for consumers to book travel, so they would like a web site for booking airfare. FBN would like to make the user interface more appealing for their travel agents by replacing the 3270 terminal with one that can support a graphical user interface. FBN currently books 20,000 airfares per day and they are expecting that to increase 10 fold within the first month of going national. FBN will be spending $10 million on a national advertising campaign to coincide with the launching of their web site.

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A business analyst has worked with FBN to define the use cases and create a business domain model. You may not agree with the what the business analyst came up with, but the business analyst is no longer available to discuss the situation. This means you have all of the requirements you will get between the use cases and the interview with the CEO and CIO. The IMS database will be replaced with a relational database like Oracle, Sybase or Informix.
Business Domain Model

Use Case Diagram

Detailed Use Cases
Prepare Itinerary
Change Itinerary
Price Itinerary
Pay for Itinerary

Interview with the CEO and CIO of FBN:

Interviewer: Can you tell us about current and future aircraft?

FBN CEO: We currently have 10 Boeing 737s and ordered three new 757s. We hope to supplement our fleet with two large 767s in the near future to cover our most popular routes. Oh, and of course our four turbojets.

Interviewer: One of the more complicated issues for airlines is their pricing model. How do you price your seats?

FBN CEO: Complicated is right. FBN prides itself on a simple pricing scheme. Our market research has shown that the simple pricing is one of our biggest selling points. The simple pricing scheme consists of one price for first class and one price for coach.

Interviewer: Is this regardless of destination and advance purchase?

FBN CEO: No, the flat price is per destination, but it does not matter when you purchase the ticket. So the person who purchases the ticket two weeks before the flight will pay the same as the person who walks up right before the flight takes off.

Interviewer: How many concurrent users are you expecting in peak time?

FBN CIO: Our current system has 35 concurrent Travel Agents and we are projecting to have 20 Travel Agents and 200 web users concurrently using the system initially. These numbers are expected to increase monthly over the next couple of months to reach what we feel will be our maximum of 20 Travel Agents and 600 web users. We really need to ensure that the Travel Agents have the fastest system possible in order to meet the customer expectations, therefore we have a hard requirement that response time never exceed 5 seconds. We have assumed that most web users will still be using 28.8 modems, so response time cannot exceed 10 seconds more than 20% of the time.

Interviewer: What type of hardware will be used for deployment?

FBN CIO: We have chosen an E10000 from Sun Microsystems as the machine for the application server, an E6500 to host the Oracle database and two 450's for the web servers. All of these machines are in addition to the E5500 running the Frequent Flyer system.

Interviewer: Speaking of the Frequent Flyer system, why are you not replacing it with this rewrite?

FBN CEO: Let me handle this. We spent a half million dollars 6 months ago to get this system in place. I for one am not ready to throw it away and spend another half million to replace it. You will have to interface with what is there and if this project goes smoothly and the J2EE application servers prove to work, then we can talk about rewriting it. Our travel agents Java application must be able to access the system and we want our customers to have access through the Internet.

Interviewer: Why do you use TransMaster and is it possible to replace?

FBN CIO: First, no it is not possible to replace. TransMaster was one of only two credit card processing companies that still supported the COBOL interface we needed. They are in the process of re-inventing themselves and creating a web presence so they can continue to thrive and open new markets. Since they have been there for us on the mainframe, we feel like to own it to them to use their new flagship product. You will need to do whatever is necessary to support their product.

Interviewer: Do you have service level agreements in place with TransMaster?

FBN CIO: Yes. They have committed to have their site available four 9's. Also, they have committed to a response time of no more than 3 seconds during peak time.

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It is your task to create an architecture and design for the Travel System with the given business domain model, requirements above and requirements in the use cases. The architecture must use the J2EE environment. All deliverables will be accepted as HTML only and each diagram must be UML compliant.
Create a class diagram. It is not necessary to provide each method name and attribute in the class.
Create a Component diagram that shows all of the J2EE components used in the system and their interaction. For example, what EJBs, Servlets, and/or JSPs might be needed?
Create either a Sequence or Collaboration diagram for each use case provided.
Listing of any assumptions made during the process of coming up with the architecture and design.
Your architecture and design will be graded on how well it supports both web clients and application clients, as well as, supporting all of the requirements.
Submitting Your Work
Failure to follow these rules will result in an immediate failure.
When you have completed your solution, you should have an "index.html" that has your name, i.d., a link to the class diagram, a link to the component diagram, and a link to each of the sequence/collaboration diagrams. Build a jar archive that contains all html files. You must build a jar archive; do not send individual files.

The name of your submission jar archive file MUST be derived from your i.d.. (Note that in the United States, your i.d. is your 9-digit social security number, e.g. 555443333. Outside the U.S., your i.d. might be 9 digits, or it might be 2 characters followed by 7 digits, e.g. sp1234567.) Your archive filename MUST BE scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar, where AAAAAAAAA is your i.d..

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This document describes how your submission will be marked, and the marking criteria which govern allocation of marks for the Sun Certified J2EE Architect submission. The first part describes the marking process, and the second describes how the marks are allocated.
The second part is divided into sections, the first describes general criteria which are expected to apply to all parts of the submission. Three sections follow which describe considerations that are specific to the three main tasks in the requirements: class diagram, component diagram, and sequence or collaboration diagrams.

How The Assignment is Marked
The marking is done is two phases. Your submission is passed to a human for grading. This process is time consuming and it is because this is done carefully and thoroughly that submissions take time to grade. The grading process is closely controlled to ensure consistency and fairness and is performed according to criteria detailed in the next section.
In addition to the submission, you will be required to take a written examination. This exam tests your understanding of your submission and asks you to justify a number of design choices embodied in that submission. Unless a clear requirement is given in the requirements, marks are not awarded for right choices in design issues, but rather for an understanding of the issues involved and for a coherent argument leading to your choice.

Marking Criteria

The following marking criteria are given as a guide. The numbers in parentheses beside each topic indicate the relative proportion of marks available in that area.

Class diagram (40)

diagram conforms to UML (10)
diagram addresses requirements (30)

Component diagram (40)

diagram conforms to UML (10)
diagram addresses requirements (30)

Sequence/Collaboration diagrams (20)

diagrams conform to UML (5)
diagrams addresses requirements (15)
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人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
7791 SCEA Project jllu 10621 2003-03-02 11:16
6235 Re:SCEA Project jllu 50 2003-03-02 11:20
5501 Re:SCEA Project jllu 770 2003-04-13 23:42
5524 Can u post ur certificate number here and ur register name? Re:SCEA Project lawrency 189 2003-05-12 14:31
5281 Re:SCEA Project 阿熊 7 2003-03-02 16:01
6327 Re:SCEA Project jllu 80 2003-03-02 21:32
5319 Re:SCEA Project sammizyliu 52 2003-03-03 08:38
5876 Re:SCEA Project jllu 154 2003-03-03 10:53
5655 Re:SCEA Project yj780210 5 2003-03-03 09:04
5041 Re:SCEA Project newseeing 9 2003-03-03 10:19
5172 Re:SCEA Project jacob 22 2003-03-03 10:31
5515 Re:SCEA Project yj780210 8 2003-03-03 12:37
4899 Re:SCEA Project siah 12 2003-03-06 20:42
5368 Re:SCEA Project kelvinksau 21 2003-04-13 16:42
5557 Re:SCEA Project yamakasy 27 2003-04-13 18:42

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