Topic: Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0

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1.Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hawker
Posted on: 2004-06-22 06:22

Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0
Posted By: Floyd Marinescu on June 21, 2004 @ 12:59 PM
Today the Eclipse Foundation pre-announced the availability of the royalty-free 3.0 release of the Eclipse Platform, adding enhancements that improve flexibility, scalability, interoperability and responsiveness. Eclipse RC 3 is available immediately and the final RC 4 is due by June 30th.

Eclipse 3.0 is the cumulative result of 15 months of project investment by supporting members and the Eclipse community, continuing the commitment to implement open technology built upon established industry standards. Enhancements such as the following have been made to core facilities to help make Eclipse use more convenient, consistent and responsive:

-- Enhanced the end user's 'out-of-the-box' experience

-- Streamlined installation for functionally powerful features with reduced complexity

-- Improved customization of menus and toolbars

-- Added new role and experience-based approaches for managing workbench features and facilities

-- Restructured the workbench to allow running underlying program facilities in the background in a multi-threaded environment.
Download Eclipse and read the press release.

2.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-06-22 07:14


3.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fjzuser
Posted on: 2004-06-22 14:48


4.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hawker
Posted on: 2004-06-22 17:57


5.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: supertoy
Posted on: 2004-06-24 19:11


我机器p4 1.8a + 1g ddr333内存,硬盘也是7200的,不算差了吧?

6.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 鸡肋男
Posted on: 2004-06-24 19:27


7.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: freecode
Posted on: 2004-06-24 22:00


8.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xidianliuy
Posted on: 2004-06-25 09:28


9.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: supertoy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Biubiu
Posted on: 2004-06-29 12:59

supertoy wrote:

我机器p4 1.8a + 1g ddr333内存,硬盘也是7200的,不算差了吧?


10.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tzutolin
Posted on: 2004-07-02 11:26

I think the editor of IDEA is much better than eclipse's even NetBeans's.

11.Re:Eclipse Foundation Announces Eclipse 3.0 [Re: tzutolin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-07-02 11:42


不过有些功能需要挖掘,如Text Editing的一些功能
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