Topic: 大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看?

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1.大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Raistlin
Posted on: 2004-06-19 10:36


2.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 鸡肋男
Posted on: 2004-06-19 15:30


3.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dliang
Posted on: 2004-06-23 11:38

建议你去 中找找美化Linux界面的帖子。其实Linux的字体可以和Windows的一样漂亮。

4.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Raistlin
Posted on: 2004-06-23 21:56


5.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: satre
Posted on: 2004-06-25 01:43

是jdk在linux下的字体的问题, 可以修改的. 至少JB应该可以做到和windows一样. 明天我可以贴一下图, 大家看一下先.

6.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-06-25 01:46


7.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Jove] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tzutolin
Posted on: 2004-06-25 08:31

Jove wrote:

不錯, 若字體寬距能在窄一些就更好了.

8.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Jove] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Biubiu
Posted on: 2004-06-25 19:34

Jove wrote:


9.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Biubiu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-06-25 20:43

如果我的Linux上配成这样,已经很满足了 Smile

10.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: satre
Posted on: 2004-06-26 10:19

I made a screenshot of jbuilderx under fedora, but how to upload to cjsdn?

11.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: satre] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: satre
Posted on: 2004-06-28 11:15

fedora, jbuilderX


12.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: satre] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: satre
Posted on: 2004-06-28 11:18

fedora, jbuilderX


13.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Raistlin
Posted on: 2004-06-28 22:02


14.Re:大家有没有觉得在LINUX下开发ECLIPSE或JB的界面和中英文字体都很难看? [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: satre
Posted on: 2004-06-29 00:55

Raistlin wrote:

斑竹在哪? 申请加分....

1 Change to the directory /opt/jbuilderx/jdk1.4/jre/lib/fonts, Copy your Windows True Type fonts to this directory (files ending in *.ttf).
[You really only need Courier New, Arial, and Times New Roman.]

2 Rename your existing fonts.scale and fonts.dir files. ( mv fonts.scale fonts.scale.old and mv fonts.dir fonts.dir.old )

3 Run the command ttmkfontdir -o fonts.scale, if system doesn't have this utility, utility ttmkfdir which also works.

4 Run the command mkfontdir

5 Change to the directory /opt/jbuilderx/jdk1.4/jre/lib

6 Rename your exsiting file

7 Place this into the directory

8 done!

final words, this modifies the jdk coming with jbuilder, so similarly, modify the other jdk which other ide depends will work too. (12.94k)

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