Topic: eclipse怎么使用断言?

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1.eclipse怎么使用断言? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: daminggege
Posted on: 2004-05-25 17:16

知道怎么在java 时加参数,

2.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: daminggege] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zyzhang
Posted on: 2004-05-25 18:06

javac -source 1.4 // for command line.
This flag is necessary so as not to cause source compatibility problems.

In eclipse, Preference > Java > Compiler > Compliance: JDK compliance.
and have source compatibility to 1.4.

I wonder what's your eclipse version, cause this used to be a bug.

3.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: daminggege] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: daminggege
Posted on: 2004-05-25 20:12


4.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: zyzhang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: DraculaCwg
Posted on: 2004-05-25 21:10

新版的可以在 java->jre的設定劃面加入 -ea
c:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -ea

5.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: daminggege] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: daminggege
Posted on: 2004-05-26 10:23


6.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: daminggege] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: DraculaCwg
Posted on: 2004-05-26 20:37

java-> complier -> jdk class格式 設定成1.4

7.Re:eclipse怎么使用断言? [Re: daminggege] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zgd
Posted on: 2004-05-26 23:38

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