Topic: JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003

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1.JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wondrouz
Posted on: 2003-12-04 16:32

This is the error I got while running the JBuilder X Enterprise installation :

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -73
  at java.lang.String.substring(
  at java.lang.String.substring(
  at ZeroGlh.a(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.util.magicfolders.JavaHomeMF.a(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.util.magicfolders.JavaHomeMF.b(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.util.magicfolders.MagicFolder.initializeAllMagicFolderPaths(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.d(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.c(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(Unknown Source)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(Unknown Source)

Solution found from the newsgroup , haven't tested not sure it works or not

> My understanding is that this is a limitation of the 1.4.2
> JRE which the installer uses.
> The only solution I have heard so far is to run the
> installer on an older version such as 1.4.1 which does not
> have the bug associated with identifying Windows Server
> 2003.
> I have not tried this, but here is my guess as to how you
> would go about making that change:
> Run the installer EXE file from your CD or download. The
> first thing it does is build an install image in a directory
> off the directory where your TMP environment variable
> points.
> Kill the installer at the first screen (using
> Ctrl-Alt-Delete) so that it does not remove the install
> image.
> Now either delete the JRE from the image (assuming your
> Windows Registry points to a JDK 1.4.1) or replace it with
> the older JRE. Then run the EXE in the install image.

anybody facing the same issues, and manage to get it run?

2.Re:JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tzutolin
Posted on: 2003-12-04 21:32

您可以選用 XP 相容性模式下執行就行了 Smile 祝您好運!

3.解决JBuilder在 Windows Server 2003 上的安装问题 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: byg
Posted on: 2003-12-05 02:10


在Windows/ent_trial_install.lax文件里的一行 指向你的JDK的java.exe路径

4.Re:JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Breeze
Posted on: 2003-12-05 16:33


5.Re:JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wondrouz
Posted on: 2003-12-05 16:47


I try that it works. Tx to byg.

You have to make use of JDK earlier than 1.42
I changed the path to point to 1.41 JRE, and it works.

2 more problem I facing during the installation and **keygen** process.

i) I install into a directory c:\program files\jbuilderx. JBuilder doesn't work at all. So I change to c:\JbuilderX and it works. I think it's not recommend for the installation path to have space.

ii) After the keygen generated, save it. This will save the borland.lic file into the user personal folder , which is located in c:\Documents and Settings . Then only start JBuilderX. If you start JBuilderX bf saving the file basically you will stuck in the registration process screen.

Everything running fine. The new version seems like have alot of IntelliJ cool feature. The only problem with it so far ... it's too damn big - 679MB. while IntelliJ take less than 100MB. My notebook will stick with IntelliJ 3.05 while waiting for the ver 4 to come.

6.Re:JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lihongtao
Posted on: 2003-12-05 18:00

7.Re:JBuilder X installation issue with Windows Server 2003 [Re: wondrouz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ziben
Posted on: 2003-12-10 10:48

Very Good,楼上的方法简单而且实用,呵呵,用这个方法已经成功安装。

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