Topic: JBuilder 9 Update 2

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1.JBuilder 9 Update 2 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 阿熊
Posted on: 2003-08-15 09:17,1410,30300,00.html

JBuilder 9 Update 2 Available - by Anders Ohlsson

Abstract: This patch for JBuilder 9 is available to registered users

Download the patch now

Borland JBuilder 9 Update 002
Release Notes
This software patch is being provided to licensed users of Borland JBuilder 9.
Installation and use is governed by the license statement for Borland JBuilder 9.

This patch is intended and certified on all supported platforms and languages for JBuilder 9. After applying the patch, some strings displayed by the patch will be displayed in English, even if you are using a localized version of JBuilder 9.

Installation Instructions
Read all the instructions through once before applying the update. The following description assumes that JBuilder has been installed in the directory \jbuilder9. If you have installed JBuilder in a different directory, substitute the one that you used. Unix users should substitute a simple (forward) slash ("/") wherever a backslash ("\") appears in a path name.

This patch is delivered as one ZIP file and Release Notes.

To install the patch:

If JBuilder is running, exit JBuilder.
Copy the patch ZIP file to a local directory.
Unpack the ZIP file into a local directory.
Install the patch:
Windows users: Run Windows\upd_install.exe.
Linux users: Run Linux\upd_install.bin.
Solaris users: Run Solaris\upd_install.bin.
If needed, change the default language, then click OK.
Read the information provided, then click Next.
Choose the directory where you installed JBuilder 9, then click Next.
Review the installation options that you have selected. If the options are correct, then click Install to begin the installation.
When the installation program is completed, click Done.
You can delete the ZIP file and the directories it created after the installation of the patch is completed.

Specific Fixes
This patch fixes these specific issues:

[167214] JBuilder Test Runner launches as expected in JBuilder Developer.
[170396] Debug server files needed for remote debugging are now installed.
[170568] External build tasks now work as expected in JBuilder Developer.
[170166] All contents in the struts-config.xml file is now preserved after modifying the file using the Struts Config Editor.
[171167] When pulling a project from CVS, branch scanning now works when a directory is selected from the Select Directory dialog box.
[171172] When choosing CVS Administration|Merge, the HEAD branch is now displayed as a choice.
[171173] When choosing CVS Administration|Update Special, JBuilder no longer freezes on large projects.
[165783] All .java files are now compiled when using javac for the entire project.
[171859] The Keep Thread Suspended option is now available as expected in JBuilder Developer.
[172425] The default encoding used by the JSP editor can be set to default to platform-specific values.
[166870] Borland Enterprise Server: Table and column CMP properties are saved in the EJB Designer.
The final release of Axis 1.1 is included. (JBuilder 9 shipped with Axis 1.1 RC2.)
Several StarTeam-related issues have been addressed.
File List
In addition to this document, the update consists of the following files:

File Name Size
.\Windows\upd_install.exe 18,758,019 bytes
.\Linux\upd_install.bin 18,859,197 bytes
.\Solaris\upd_install.bin 18,859,197 bytes

2.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2003-08-15 09:39

how to get it?

3.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: richart
Posted on: 2003-08-15 12:33


4.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: sgecko
Posted on: 2003-08-15 21:42


5.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: richart
Posted on: 2003-08-18 09:06

嘿嘿,大伙儿都用D版? —*—^%$.....

6.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 阿熊
Posted on: 2003-08-18 14:26


7.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rainman
Posted on: 2003-08-18 15:20


8.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lirox
Posted on: 2003-08-20 11:08


9.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: itemp
Posted on: 2003-08-20 16:44


10.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rox
Posted on: 2003-08-31 12:57

11.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: biot
Posted on: 2003-09-01 13:44


12.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: FWX
Posted on: 2003-09-01 18:52


13.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hncszy
Posted on: 2003-09-14 13:23

你的UPDATE是“Additional software for use with JBuilder 9 Developer and Enteprise”还是“Updates to JB9 trial downloads”的."Additional software for use with JBuilder 9 Developer and Enteprise"好象只有正版用户才有哦.只要你有在borland注册帐号,都可以下载Updates to JB9 trial downloads,

14.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: pts
Posted on: 2003-09-26 01:42


15.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 阿熊
Posted on: 2003-09-26 07:51


16.Re:JBuilder 9 Update 2 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: soartosky
Posted on: 2003-11-28 12:43


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