Topic: 今天破解Regular Expression Tester插件

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1.今天破解Regular Expression Tester插件 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bilang
Posted on: 2005-05-20 00:33

Regular Expression Tester

Test and search for regular expression
Matches are colorized, for an easy visual clue
Support for pattern flags (e.g. Pattern.DOTALL)
LiveEval evaluates your regular expression while you are typing it, gives feedback on possible errors and shows any matches automatically
LiveEval is supported for changes of the regular expression, the search text and the pattern flags
4 distinct match modes:
Find a sequence of characters
Match a complete text
Split text
Replace every occurence of the regex with a different string
Replacing supports back references ($1,$2,...)
LiveEval for match mode changes
Context sensitive "Regular Expression Assist"
Selective evaluation of expressions
Bracket Matching
Generation of string literals based on the regexp, e.g. "\(x\)" becomes "\\(x\\)"
De-escape patterns in your code, e.g. \\(x\\) becomes \(x\)
Improved "Clear Menu", choose which parts of the view you would like to get cleared every time you press the clear button
Easy movement through matches: Choose "Previous Match" or "Next Match" and cycle through all matches found.
Polished and accessible user interface, everything is reachable via keyboard


keygen.jar (6.39k)

2.Re:今天破解Regular Expression Tester插件 [Re: bilang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liang_chen
Posted on: 2005-05-21 23:21


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