Topic: "用ecips怎样做edit mask"请高手指点

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1."用ecips怎样做edit mask"请高手指点 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: limeiyong
Posted on: 2005-05-04 12:04

"用ecips怎样做edit mask"请高手指点

2.Re:"用ecips怎样做edit mask"请高手指点 [Re: limeiyong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wl
Posted on: 2005-05-23 05:50

edit mask不知道 不过可以在focusLost中检验
sr1.addFocusListener(new {
      public void focusLost( e) {
       Text text=((Text)e.widget);
        if (!isTimeValid(text.getText()))
         MessageDialog.openError(sShell, "提示", "格式输入错误,请输入如下格式数据\r\r '09:11'");

private boolean isTimeValid(String text) {
boolean retval = false;
   String timeNumberPattern = "(\\d{2})\\Sad\\d{2})";
   retval = text.matches(timeNumberPattern);
return retval;

private boolean isTimeValid(String text) {
boolean retval = false;
   String timeNumberPattern = "(\\d{2})\\Sad\\d{2})";
   retval = text.matches(timeNumberPattern);
return retval;

3.Re:"用ecips怎样做edit mask"请高手指点 [Re: limeiyong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: java88
Posted on: 2005-06-03 08:55


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