Topic: Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行

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1.Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:19



2.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:22


3.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:27

Borland, JBuilder and Eclipse

On February 28th 2005, Borland became a Strategic Developer in the Eclipse Foundation. What are the implications for JBuilder, Borland's Java IDE? Tim Anderson gives his view, based on a recent interview with Raaj Shinde, Vice President product strategy and architecture at Borland’s Together business unit.

Future versions of JBuilder are likely to be based on Eclipse, according to Raaj Shinde, Vice President product strategy and architecture at Borland’s Together business unit.

I interviewed Raaj earlier this week. “I have been driving the Eclipse strategy at Borland for a long time,” he explained. “I don’t look at Eclipse as an IDE; I look at Eclipse as a general-purpose framework for building applications. Especially now with Eclipse with the OSGi plug-in and the architecture they have come up with, to me it’s two million lines of well-architected, extremely well tested source code that allows me to build great applications”

Eclipse is certainly making great strides towards becoming the standard Java IDE. In the last two months, Borland, BEA, Sybase and Computer Associates have signed up as Strategic Developers, indicating a high level of commitment. Existing Strategic Developers include IBM and Intel, while HP and SAP are among those on board as Strategic Consumers.

In fact, Borland, BEA and Sybase all have something in common. Each of these companies has at some point promoted its own Java IDE. Borland has JBuilder, of which more in a moment. BEA has Weblogic Workshop, and used to resell WebGain Studio, which included Visual Café. Sybase had PowerJ – remember that? Visual Café was once a market leader.

As for JBuilder, it remains a very popular IDE. At the same time, there have been signs that Borland was struggling to compete with Eclipse. Eclipse has several advantages. First, it is backed by IBM. Second, it is both free and of high quality. Third, it is built using a plug-in architecture; calling it “extensible” hardly does it justice. It is an ideal platform for vendors to extend into a developer platform for their server products.

Not long ago Borland was still trying to take on Eclipse and build a rival tools platform. When JBuilderX was launched at the end of 2003, Borland emphasized its extensibility through the Swing-based Open Tools API, and made the basic version of JBuilderX free even for commercial usage. However, Eclipse already had too much momentum.

According to Shinde, “the Borland SDO [Software Delivery Optimization] solution is going to be built on two primary platforms. One is Eclipse, the other is Visual Studio.”

The obvious question is what will happen to JBuilder. Shinde indicated to me that the product will be rebuilt on Eclipse. “The framework on which we build the IDE can change at any time. For example, JBuilder 2.0 was built on the Delphi framework. JBuilder 3 was built on an entirely different framework, but it was still JBuilder. So we are going to bring our IDE expertise to the Eclipse world, because to be honest with you JDT [Java Developer Tools] is an OK IDE, but it is not a great IDE. So we are going to offer the Borland look and feel, the Borland experience with our IDEs on Eclipse.”

What will Borland gain from this move? It will be better placed to offer its Application Lifecycle tools to the huge Eclipse user base, and will benefit from the many open source and commercial Eclipse plug-ins. At the same time, this is a retreat. Despite Shinde’s comments, this is not the same as the move from an IDE built with Delphi (JBuilder 2.0) to a pure Java version (JBuilder 3.0). That was a natural evolution and was always planned. Transplanting JBuilder to Eclipse is more radical. I also asked about what happens to the Open Tools API. “There might be some code compatibility problems,” Shinde admitted. “but due to the nature of the Eclipse plug-in ecosystem I think that this will make it far easier for people to build interesting extensions to JBuilder in the future.”

Let me be clear: Shinde was not indicating that JBuilder will be abandoned. “We will continue to add value to that product,” he stated. “We believe the framework we build on top of is really irrelevant, it’s the feature set, the functionality and the value that people want out of JBuilder, and we will continue to provide that.”

Therefore I fully expect there will be future versions of JBuilder, shrink-wrapped in a smart box at the usual kind of prices. How different it will look from the current version, and whether it will use SWT or Swing, is a matter for speculation. However, let’s consider what this looks like to the casual observer. Borland will no longer have its own Java IDE. Borland is moving to Eclipse. It makes JBuilder harder to sell in my view. Some will simply move to Eclipse now – or perhaps to another IDE such as the fine IntelliJ IDEA - and not wait for the new JBuilder.

4.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:28

Post is deleted

5.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:32

Jbuilder moving to Eclipse

6.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Jove] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:42


7.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jigsaw
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:47

IntelliJ IDEA. 似乎是最后一个山头了

8.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: ditty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: littledeer1974
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:48


9.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liwenguo
Posted on: 2005-04-01 10:49

ibm统一天下了!IDE都长一个模样啊! 难以想象啊

10.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: littledeer1974] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:04

littledeer1974 wrote:


11.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: leowu2000
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:07



12.Re:强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: littledeer1974] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ditty
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:10

littledeer1974 wrote:


13.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:24


14.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yqyan
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:32


15.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gfcae
Posted on: 2005-04-01 11:51


16.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 阿熊
Posted on: 2005-04-01 13:28


JBuilder 2.0 was built on the Delphi framework. JBuilder 3 was built on an entirely different framework, but it was still JBuilder.


17.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: zua] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hncszy
Posted on: 2005-04-01 16:00


18.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zgd
Posted on: 2005-04-01 16:14

3、java的ide再不联合起来就打不过.net studio的了

19.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2005-04-01 18:46



>java的ide再不联合起来就打不过.net studio的了
单凭IDE工具就能打败另一种语言和平台好像不太现实,这样的话很多语言和框架完全可以以Eclipse平台为基础开发新的IDE工具,重建辉煌。Java最初也不是以IDE争取到用户的,完全是其理念。 就是因为.net的理念和java不一样,所以java程序员就要去打败.net,未免有点小气啦。再说如果真的打败.net,那么Eclipse不就处于垄断啦,和现在的Windows,Office有区别吗? Borland加入Eclipse是商业考虑,而不是全力支持Java对抗.net,如果.net studio不存在,那么.net也不存在,那么Borland的其他工具C#builder等工具就over啦,borland的工具厂商,谁都支持的 Smile


20.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zgd
Posted on: 2005-04-01 19:45



java的ide再不联合起来就打不过.net studio的了
我说.net么?我说.net studio



21.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: zgd] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2005-04-02 09:19


>我说.net么?我说.net studio
如果.net stuido退出市场,.net的策略就算完啦,MS不会为人作嫁的,这谁都明白。

我个人觉得现在的java IDE工具做的不错啦,如一些高级特性:重构,代码审查、测试等等方面都不错的,其他语言的工具还比较欠缺的,也有可能是Java语言的语法简单。任何一个工具发展竞争是关键,而且还需要时间,毕竟这不是10万名程序员1天可以完成,它要跟着新的理念和技术在前进的,我个人觉得Java IDE发展是最快速的,主要是众多IDE工具的竞争,如果只有一个工具,那么进步就小啦。VC和IE就是个例子,这几年就没有进步。


以上都是个人观点,仅是饭后聊资,不包含任何成见。 Smile

22.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zgd
Posted on: 2005-04-02 13:02




23.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nickey
Posted on: 2005-04-02 16:47

你买过JBUILDER么.. ECLIPSE要钱么? 太明显的优势嘛.. 真要你买正版,你会用JB么..

24.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: nickey] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-04-04 12:05


25.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fat32
Posted on: 2005-04-04 21:36

我倒觉得统一起来挺好的,只不过是底层框架的统一啊,具体的功能肯定和ibm wsad还是有很大差别的。

26.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 烂泥
Posted on: 2005-04-05 13:51

linux_china wrote:

>我说.net么?我说.net studio
如果.net stuido退出市场,.net的策略就算完啦,MS不会为人作嫁的,这谁都明白。

我个人觉得现在的java IDE工具做的不错啦,如一些高级特性:重构,代码审查、测试等等方面都不错的,其他语言的工具还比较欠缺的,也有可能是Java语言的语法简单。任何一个工具发展竞争是关键,而且还需要时间,毕竟这不是10万名程序员1天可以完成,它要跟着新的理念和技术在前进的,我个人觉得Java IDE发展是最快速的,主要是众多IDE工具的竞争,如果只有一个工具,那么进步就小啦。VC和IE就是个例子,这几年就没有进步。


以上都是个人观点,仅是饭后聊资,不包含任何成见。 Smile


27.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jblbose
Posted on: 2005-04-08 03:38




28.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bbbaby
Posted on: 2005-04-09 01:23


29.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: bbbaby] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: YuLimin
Posted on: 2005-04-09 14:15

not wait for the new JBuilderSad to IDEASmile

30.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Starcraft
Posted on: 2005-04-09 16:24


31.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Starcraft] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2005-04-09 18:33

这么high level了?

32.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: alexlex
Posted on: 2005-04-14 10:01


但是作爲jbuilder的用戶,是不是會感覺被抛棄了,也許就像文中作者說的,會就此抛棄jbuilder,直接使用eclipse或者其他java ide,畢竟原先也算是競爭對手,你投奔競爭對手,在大部分人看來也許接近于投降



33.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: littledeer1974
Posted on: 2005-04-14 16:15


34.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: aizai511
Posted on: 2005-05-15 01:33


35.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jimmiao
Posted on: 2005-05-17 11:01





36.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: blueoxygen
Posted on: 2005-06-02 22:04

人家也没说jb消失阿 看这段
Let me be clear: Shinde was not indicating that JBuilder will be abandoned. “We will continue to add value to that product,” he stated. “We believe the framework we build on top of is really irrelevant, it’s the feature set, the functionality and the value that people want out of JBuilder, and we will continue to provide that.”


37.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hawker
Posted on: 2005-06-03 08:36


38.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: hawker] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2005-06-03 10:02


39.Re:Jbuilder moving to Eclipse !!强烈抗议Borland的暴行 [Re: Big Blue] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: java88
Posted on: 2005-06-03 10:38


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