Topic: 请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet

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1.请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet Copy to clipboard
Posted by: spanxzw
Posted on: 2003-02-28 10:50

设置应该没没问题,因为Application编译运行可以通过,但Applet只能编译,运行时提示“Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoSuchMethod Error:main”

2.Re:请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet [Re: spanxzw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scottding
Posted on: 2003-02-28 12:38


3.Re:请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet [Re: spanxzw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: samx
Posted on: 2003-02-28 17:52

public static void main(String args[]){
Applet anInstance=new yourJAppletClass();
JFrame frame=new JFrame("Test");
frame.getContentPane().add(anInstance); //Add your JApplet class into JFrame
frame.setSize(300,150);//you can set any size as you want
anInstance.init();//your instance initiated
anInstance.start();//start your applet
frame.setVisible(true);//this line should be later than calling init() and start(), or you can't see what you want.

4.Re:请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet [Re: spanxzw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: itfirst
Posted on: 2003-02-28 19:31


5.Re:请教如何在Jcreator中运行Applet [Re: spanxzw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: spanxzw
Posted on: 2003-03-01 11:18


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