Topic: IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!!

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1.IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tongtong
Posted on: 2004-11-05 10:47


2.Re:IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!! [Re: tongtong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: caleb
Posted on: 2004-11-05 11:29

[in-'te-l&-j I-'dE-&] ... my guess ... hehehe

3.Re:IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!! [Re: tongtong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BlurEyes
Posted on: 2004-11-05 12:48

估摸着就是Intelligent Java的缩写,把gent换成J的发音就可以了。

4.Re:IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!! [Re: tongtong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zzydy
Posted on: 2004-11-18 16:05

""""""""[in-'te-l&-j I-'dE-&] ... """"""""""不错,像那么回事呀,

5.Re:IntelliJ IDEA这个东东怎么念!! [Re: tongtong] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zzydy
Posted on: 2004-11-18 16:09


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