Topic: Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA

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1.Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2004-09-03 15:48

In a few words those include
- Enhanced J2EE support including jsp refactoring&reformat, html with
css support, basing javascript support.
- Perforce & Subversion VCS integrations.
- Various OpenAPI enhancements including a brand new plugin system.
- J2ME support
- Many new refactorings
and as always many small yet powerful code editing and navigation features.
一句话,继续以代码为核心! Smile

2.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BlurEyes
Posted on: 2004-09-03 17:16


3.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: BlurEyes] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2004-09-03 17:20

BlurEyes wrote:

我没有遇到啊,不知道你说的是哪方面的。 你可能的设置一下项目的属性,language level for project,应该没有什么错误吧,有可能我编的代码太少啦! Smile

4.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BlurEyes
Posted on: 2004-09-03 21:12

Integer i = 4;

5.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: BlurEyes] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2004-09-04 09:06

不知道你项目设置是否正确。如果项目的"Language level for project"没有设置的话,那么在jdk1.5只支持Generics,其他特性不支持,你可能要将此项设置为5.0,这样错误就不存在啦。我的设置如下: IDEA 4.5.1 jdk1.5-rc1,没有问题。

6.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BlurEyes
Posted on: 2004-09-04 10:56


7.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: BlurEyes] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2004-09-04 11:02

Java SDK features you need to be enabled in your project.
试一下,没错的。 Smile 不然IDEA不敢宣称它全面支持jdk 1.5的。

8.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: BlurEyes
Posted on: 2004-09-04 13:09

intellij is cool.

9.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: capitain
Posted on: 2004-09-04 14:59


10.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hwx
Posted on: 2004-09-09 00:09


linux_china wrote:
In a few words those include
- Enhanced J2EE support including jsp refactoring&reformat, html with
css support, basing javascript support.
- Perforce & Subversion VCS integrations.
- Various OpenAPI enhancements including a brand new plugin system.
- J2ME support
- Many new refactorings
and as always many small yet powerful code editing and navigation features.
一句话,继续以代码为核心! Smile

11.Re:Irida-- next version of IntelliJ IDEA [Re: linux_china] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: GumPGZ
Posted on: 2004-09-09 12:37

idea is so cool


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