Topic: 超弱问:请对JBuilder里的“Rebuild, Make, Run, Debug”之间的区别做一下说明

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1.超弱问:请对JBuilder里的“Rebuild, Make, Run, Debug”之间的区别做一下说明 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: boper
Posted on: 2004-08-31 10:36


2.Re:超弱问:请对JBuilder里的“Rebuild, Make, Run, Debug”之间的区别做一下说明 [Re: boper] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: href
Posted on: 2004-08-31 16:04

我觉得Run, Debug, 还是比较好区分的吧,就Rebuild和Make有点混,Jbuilder 的帮助有写到,大致是说make会检查source是不是比class新,只有class outdated才会被重新编译,而rebuild不管,全部重新编译。
Project|Make "<file>" Compiles the file, overwriting outdated or nonexistent .class files. Also compiles any imported files that the file depends on which have outdated or nonexistent .class files. The imported files that are checked and compiled include all recursively imported files (that is, imported files of imported files), except for files that are in stable packages that are not part of the project. An "outdated" .class file is one that has an earlier time stamp than its .java source file.

Project|Rebuild "<file>" Compiles the file, regardless of whether its .class files are outdated. Also compiles the imported files upon which the file depends, regardless of whether their .class files are outdated. The imported files that are compiled include all recursively imported files (that is, imported files of imported files) except for files in stable packages that are not part of the project.

3.Re:超弱问:请对JBuilder里的“Rebuild, Make, Run, Debug”之间的区别做一下说明 [Re: boper] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-08-31 22:16

rebuild will clean and build(top down build)
make will do incremental build(check changes and build only the changed part).

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