Topic: 请教为何Eclipse编辑C++程序时代码提示功能无法使用?

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1.请教为何Eclipse编辑C++程序时代码提示功能无法使用? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Scotty
Posted on: 2004-07-12 15:53

  C++开发环境为使用Eclispe 3.0 + CDT 2.0 + MinGW 3.0.1,当编辑C++程序时,使用了C++的头文件,如#include <iostream>后,代码提示及自动完成功能就无法使用了。
  在把MinGW 3.0.1改为Cygwin后情况一样。
  但如果只使用C语言的头文件,如#include <stdio.h>或#include <cstdio>,则代码提示及自动完成功能可以正常使用。

2.Re:请教为何Eclipse编辑C++程序时代码提示功能无法使用? [Re: Scotty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Scotty
Posted on: 2004-07-15 08:52


Subject: Re: Why don't use code assist?
From: (johnc)
Organization: EclipseCorner
Date: Jul 14 2004 10:08:27
References: 1

<iostream> is a complicated header file, and causes content assist to time

We are attempting to address this issue in the upcoming service release.


"Scott Woo" <> wrote in message news:ccub9p$ikc$
> I edit C++ program with Eclipse 3.0 + CDT 2.0 + MinGW 3.0.1.
> If I use C++ header file, example: #include <iostream>. I will can't use
> code assist.
> If I don't use C++ header file, just use C header file, example: #include
> <cstdio>. Code assist is OK.
> Why? Please help me, thanks.

3.Re:请教为何Eclipse编辑C++程序时代码提示功能无法使用? [Re: Scotty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Scotty
Posted on: 2004-07-15 10:09

  经过测试,在Eclipse中,把Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Content Assist parsing timeout (ms)中的值由缺省的3000改为10000或更大的数值,代码提示的问题就能解决了,不过在引入了C++的头文件后代码提示等待时间会比较长,在写起代码时很影响速度。

4.Re:请教为何Eclipse编辑C++程序时代码提示功能无法使用? [Re: Scotty] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-07-15 10:31


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