Topic: Should jce files be installed on the client machine?!?

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1.Should jce files be installed on the client machine?!? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-09-06 12:05

I'm writing a signed applet that makes use of JCE to decript some parameters.
The applet should work fine by just open it in a browser (that's the whole point in being an applet) and accepting the certificate that the applet contains.
In the applet html "archive" tag I added the JCE jars (sjce1_2_2.jar, local_policy.jar, sunjce_provider.jar, US_export_policy.jar) together with my applet jar .

Now, I can oly make the thing work if I add in my java plugin jre/lib/ext directory the JCE files.

Is this normal?!?
I mean to ask a client to install JCE and put the jar files in his plugin extension directory the JCE jars in order to be able to run my applet?

It doesn't make any sense!

Any ideas that I might use? Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn't JCE run fine with applets without installing anything on the client machines?

Thanx anyway,

2.Re:Should jce files be installed on the client machine?!? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-09-07 14:48

Does Anybody tell me whether this link below may help?

3.Re:Should jce files be installed on the client machine?!? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: JiafanZhou
Posted on: 2006-09-07 18:06

This is the basic procedures to install the Java plugin for your client applet...well, you are is absolutely nonsense to ask for a client to install extra libraries..At least I wont be particularly happy about it.. You need to figure about a second option of doing this..or just simple ignore the extra fancy stuff...

Because the interface to the client is unique (the browser)..

I wonder if you runs an RMI server to dynamically penetrate the user to download the jars for the client??

Or you can use a hyper links for all your jars somewhere on the internet and force your applet uses these jars instead of the local java plugins..


4.Re:Should jce files be installed on the client machine?!? [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-09-08 15:31

If there aren't any options to deal with this question, I have to think about to make a exe. intaller for user to install ext jars before using the applet.

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