Topic: Apache+Tomcat 設置 DirectoryIndex index.jsp 無效

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1.Apache+Tomcat 設置 DirectoryIndex index.jsp 無效 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bogues
Posted on: 2005-09-05 08:41

我有整合Apache+Tomcat, Apache設置默認訪問頁的參數是在httpd.conf中加入DirectoryIndex index.jsp ,但是我這樣設置還是無效.(同樣的網址我加上Tomcat的端口8080,它又能正常).
注:LoadModule autoindex_module modules/ 我有加載.


2.Re:Apache+Tomcat 設置 DirectoryIndex index.jsp 無效 [Re: bogues] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: YuLimin
Posted on: 2005-09-05 16:10


in2K+JDK1.4.1+Apache+2.0.44+Tomcat4.1.18完全解决方案.pdf (34.07k)

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