Topic: 我想找本学JSP的工具书

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1.我想找本学JSP的工具书 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: marine_msa
Posted on: 2004-09-14 18:50


2.Re:我想找本学JSP的工具书 [Re: marine_msa] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: chengbd
Posted on: 2004-09-14 21:25


3.Re:我想找本学JSP的工具书 [Re: marine_msa] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: star01cn
Posted on: 2004-09-15 08:46


4.Re:我想找本学JSP的工具书 [Re: marine_msa] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bupejx
Posted on: 2004-09-15 13:13


5.Re:我想找本学JSP的工具书 [Re: marine_msa] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: sunzy19810705
Posted on: 2004-09-16 08:59

对,电子工业出版社的jsp2.0技术手册,非常适合入门的,记得千万不要买国人翻译过来的书,都他妈 的狗屁不通的文字,我买了基本翻译过来的,都不知道那些家伙在说什么,文字都不通!更不用说看懂了,还是买国人自己写的好!

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