Topic: 请教:JDK中接口Servlet包装在哪个包中?

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1.请教:JDK中接口Servlet包装在哪个包中? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xiaosi
Posted on: 2004-08-23 10:36

import javax.servlet.*;

那么,就应该在package servelet中阿,可是,我在java文档中怎么找不到阿,而且,在程序中写
import javax.servlet.*; 时,编译错误
package javax.servlet doesn't exit;

我的jdk 版本是 j2sdk1.4.1_05

2.Re:请教:JDK中接口Servlet包装在哪个包中? [Re: xiaosi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-08-23 11:07


发贴前请使用搜索功能查找相关主题 on this forum and on your favourite search engine

Answer: servlet is part of J2EE, it's not included in J2SE SDK.
The name and the location the jar file[s) would depend on the web container.
For example, it is servlet.jar or servlet-api.jar for Tomcat under $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib;
and is j2ee.jar for Sun's J2EE SDK, I think.

3.Re:请教:JDK中接口Servlet包装在哪个包中? [Re: xiaosi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kanlou
Posted on: 2004-08-27 09:53


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