Topic: 请看这个JAVA程序为什么不能用相对坐标来画?

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1.请看这个JAVA程序为什么不能用相对坐标来画? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 22750124
Posted on: 2005-07-17 19:48

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

class CropPicturePanel extends JPanel
  int xOne=((int)this.getSize().getWidth())*(1/25),
  int width=((int)this.getSize().getWidth())*(1/50);
  int heightOne=(int)this.getSize().getHeight()*(19/20)*(int)Math.random(),
  int yOne=(int)this.getSize().getHeight()-heightOne,
    public CropPicturePanel()
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

public class CropPicture extends JFrame
  public CropPicture()
    JLabel titleLabel=new JLabel("2005年石油产量图",JLabel.CENTER);
    CropPicturePanel p=new CropPicturePanel();
    Container c=this.getContentPane();
  public static void main(String[] args)
    new CropPicture();

2.Re:请看这个JAVA程序为什么不能用相对坐标来画? [Re: 22750124] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 22750124
Posted on: 2005-07-17 19:51


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