Topic: 在actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){}里面怎么创建与e.getSource()等价的按钮

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1.在actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){}里面怎么创建与e.getSource()等价的按钮 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ysonic
Posted on: 2005-06-16 15:39

在actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){}里面怎么创建button,这个 button等价与

2.Re:在actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){}里面怎么创建与e.getSource()等价的按钮 [Re: ysonic] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ysonic
Posted on: 2005-06-16 21:52

JButton b=(JButton)e.getSource();

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