Topic: SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!!

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1.SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yipsilon
Posted on: 2004-12-12 23:34

New Features in v3.0.0 [Download]

Support for Eclipse Forms**
Create "flat look" user interfaces
New wizards for FormPages, DetailPages and MasterDetailsBlocks
New Eclipse Forms palette supporting all Eclipse Forms widgets
Support for ColumnLayout and TableWrapLayout
New Forms API preferences to optionally generate paintBordersFor()
Support for Swing Visual Inheritance
Inherit from any JFrame, JDialog, JApplet or JPanel subclass
All inherited widgets are visible
Access inherited widgets exposed via public or protected accessors
Inherited widgets appear in tree with "i" decorator
Enhanced support for custom Swing panels**
Access subcomponents exposed via public accessors
New "Expose component" command to generate accessor
Subcomponents appear in tree with special decorator
Add new children to subcomponent containers
Automatically recognize custom bean properties
Added new event handler code generation options
Create anonymous class
Create inner class
Implement listener interface in parent class
Enhanced documentation
Split product docs into separate distribution
Added detailed product preference docs
Added detailed wizards and palettes docs
Added Replicate Width and Replicate Height commands to toolbar**
New SWT Shell wizard**
New Eclipse EditorPart wizard**
New Swing Application wizard**
Support for arrow key movement in various layouts
Enhanced visual feedback for null layout move and size operations
Enhanced FieldEditor support**
Support for JLabel.setLabelFor()
Keyboard support for SpringLayout and FormLayout**
SWT custom widget support for String[], Font and Color properties**
SWT custom Item support**
New SWT > PreferencePage preferences**
Preference to control when to use layout grid
Added support for Eclipse 3.0 Browser widget**
Added option to highlight borderless Composites
Support for source code hint for events
Support for selecting provider as top level class**
Support for top right control in CTabFolder**
Support for "bounds" property under null layout
Support for SWT Shell.defaultButton property
Support for externalized key editing**
Placed wizards into categories
Support for JSpinner models (number, list and date)
Support for FormDate width & height**
Support for FormLayout offset, marginWidth & marginHeight**
Use default form size preference in all wizards
Support for multiple widget moving in SpringLayout**
Disable graphical editing of read-only files
Support for integer, boolean & String constants and fields
Option for using '-' as character when full text is selected in spin control
Improved support for custom widgets
Drag and drop for several selected widgets in tree
Fix for SpringLayout performance problems**
Fix for setting SWT GridLayout properties via property pane
Fix for Swing menubar generation**
Fix for Linux layouts
Fix for minor memory leak
Fix for CheckboxTableViewers in Composites**
Fix for adding controls to JScrollPane in tree**
Fix for popup menu and SWT Composites
Fix to prevent Swing menu object being dropped on wrong parent**
Fix for loosing selection during source editing
Fix for Swing menu separators in accessor creation mode**
Fix for problem with SpringLayout and Borders**
Fix for JSplitPane problem dropping children in widget tree**
Fix for ScrolledComposite children using non-null layouts**
Fix for custom Swing component copy/paste**
Fix for ButtonGroup and SpringLayout**
Fix for TitleAreaDialog**
Fix for renaming shared variables**
Fix for Swing reparenting
Fix JSplitPane code generation problems
Fix for SWT Shell modality property
Fix for abstract Swing superclasses
Fix for JSpinner display
Fix for FormLayout/SpringLayout attached control removal

2.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: caike
Posted on: 2004-12-15 17:17

呵呵,最重要问题是有没有 “破*”

3.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: KevinTian
Posted on: 2004-12-15 18:16

Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile
Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile

4.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yipsilon
Posted on: 2004-12-15 18:44


5.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: univerz
Posted on: 2004-12-16 17:26


6.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kite
Posted on: 2004-12-16 17:39


7.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: kite] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: glchengang
Posted on: 2004-12-16 21:30

kite wrote:


8.Re:SWT Designer 3.0.0 Released!!! [Re: yipsilon] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: huwd
Posted on: 2004-12-21 21:18


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