Topic: A SWT Question

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1.A SWT Question Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tzutolin
Posted on: 2004-07-19 21:12

Hello, everyone

Does anyone know how to emulate the "Mouse Clicked" event in SWT? Thank you Smile

2.Re:A SWT Question [Re: tzutolin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tzutolin
Posted on: 2004-07-19 21:57

I have a solution by my own. But it is not really smart. I set a flag called isMouseClicked, and the default value is true. It will be set to false when the mouse leave the widget, so I can determine weather my action should be performed in the mouse up event. Any comments will be very appreciated!

Thank you!

Best regards,

3.Re:A SWT Question [Re: tzutolin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yipsilon
Posted on: 2004-07-20 11:33

use org.eclipse.swt.event.SelectionListener to implement it.

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