Topic: Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books

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1.Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books Copy to clipboard
Posted by: netxray
Posted on: 2004-10-10 22:53

in chapter 4. Part "Coding Standards", section of "Method Overriding and Final Methods" . the Expert 1-on-1 book.

i can't understand this sentence below. who can help me or tanslate it to chinese?

The number of hook methods might otherwise spiral out of control. In this case, we must temper design rigor with practicality. Superclass documentation must scrupulously note at what point subclass methods should call overridden superclass methods.

thanks in advance.


2.Re:Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books [Re: netxray] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dorrenchen
Posted on: 2004-10-11 07:34


Well, I don't quite agree with the author.

nobody reads documentation, people code whatever is the easiest for them, especially under deadline. One can not rely on documentation to enforce design framework, because people is going to code whatever java compiler allows. If you want to make people to follow your design, then use "abstract" and "final" modifiers abundantly.

3.Re:Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books [Re: netxray] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-11 08:43

I think the point is when you override a superclass method, you need to make a judgement whether you need to call super's same method in your method. A note on the super class method would be helpful definitely. (Of course, if the super's method is empty, then there is no need).

4.Re:Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books [Re: netxray] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: netxray
Posted on: 2004-10-11 09:56


CJSDN的朋友真好 Smile

5.Re:Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books [Re: netxray] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dorrenchen
Posted on: 2004-10-11 10:33

In methodA(), if you have to remember calling super.methodA(), then I don't think that's a good design.

6.Re:Help. about "Method Overriding and Final Methods" in 1-on-1 Spring books [Re: netxray] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-11 11:05

when you override some method, if the super's method does something for you already, you may think about whether you want to call it in your overridden method. So I think this is a valid scenario.

But your point is absolutely right, especially when there are callbacks which breaks the logic flow.

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