Topic: 有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!!

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1.有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Afeng
Posted on: 2004-03-04 09:35

我用AJC diff..好像不支持UTF-8....程序中所有的注释(中文)的都不能正确显示....

2.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-03-04 10:13

年代久远,忘了是哪个乐.. Big Smile

3.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tier3
Posted on: 2004-03-04 11:37

Beyond Compare也不错

附件是Crack后的Beyond Compare,Enjoy it. Smile

BC2.rar (879.17k)

4.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: DraculaCwg
Posted on: 2004-03-04 12:12

eclipse 自帶的compare不錯用

5.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Afeng
Posted on: 2004-03-05 08:57

eclipse 有自带的compare吗,没发现,请指教!!!

6.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: sc
Posted on: 2004-03-05 11:21

ExamDiff.exe (397.0k)

7.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dearmeiw
Posted on: 2004-03-08 01:55


8.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zming
Posted on: 2004-03-09 12:40

微软的vistual studio 里有个diff工具,可以比较整个目录,不错的

9.Re:有没有好的文件比较工具呀!!!! [Re: Afeng] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fhk1999
Posted on: 2004-03-11 13:25

Free tool - winmerge is not bad

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