Topic: 简历的共享

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1.简历的共享 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: chengshizairen
Posted on: 2006-05-15 04:38


2.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: zcjl
Posted on: 2006-05-15 09:01


3.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-05-16 12:52

Never heard 简历 can be 共享 Wink Smile Big Smile

4.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-05-16 12:54

Never heard someone's 简历 完美 either.

5.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2006-05-16 22:41

I think he meant 模板.

I agree with you, 简历 can *not* be 共享/shared. Everyone has his own unique merits. If we all had the same exp, why bothered to have this forum to exchange ideas and share exp?

6.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-05-17 14:12

Hehe, here is 灌水乐园 ! Mr. floater... Smile

7.Re:简历的共享 [Re: chengshizairen] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2006-05-17 21:43

yea, I am with you, 灌 灌 灌. Tounge

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