Topic: 自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看

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1.自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 无维空间
Posted on: 2005-08-05 12:56





2.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: leowu2000
Posted on: 2005-08-08 00:06


3.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: leowu2000] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: YuLimin
Posted on: 2005-08-08 10:23


4.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2005-08-08 10:51

A similar interesting math story:

A person sent me his resume with basic addition wrong. He claimed having 5 year SW(SoftWare) experiences at the summary. However, he only graduated ~2 years ago. Before he entered the university for MS degree, he claimed had 6 years VB experiences. Is it possible?

1) 2 years experience after MS degree
2) 2 years in Univ. to get the degree
3) 6 years experience before that

How to add these numbers to 5???

Oh, yeah!!!
Finally, I figured out the math: 2 + 6/2 = 5

He was so modest and used his graduate school years to discount his VB experiences!!! It took a genius to figure out, no kidding! Smile

5.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 无维空间
Posted on: 2005-08-08 14:14


6.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: aimeeqian
Posted on: 2005-08-10 16:20


7.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xiaoliu
Posted on: 2005-08-17 11:13


8.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: xiaoliu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: winterlord
Posted on: 2005-08-18 11:38


9.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: gongshi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yoreland
Posted on: 2005-08-19 12:21

gongshi wrote:
A similar interesting math story:

A person sent me his resume with basic addition wrong. He claimed having 5 year SW(SoftWare) experiences at the summary. However, he only graduated ~2 years ago. Before he entered the university for MS degree, he claimed had 6 years VB experiences. Is it possible?

1) 2 years experience after MS degree
2) 2 years in Univ. to get the degree
3) 6 years experience before that

How to add these numbers to 5???

Oh, yeah!!!
Finally, I figured out the math: 2 + 6/2 = 5

He was so modest and used his graduate school years to discount his VB experiences!!! It took a genius to figure out, no kidding! Smile

6-2 还差不多,用除的话,单位都不对了~~~

10.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 南夜星海
Posted on: 2005-09-25 13:20


11.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: 无维空间] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xianwei
Posted on: 2005-11-03 00:10


12.Re:自认为是高手的进来看看?????不看白不看,看了也白看 [Re: gongshi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wood
Posted on: 2005-11-03 08:54

gongshi wrote:
A similar interesting math story:

A person sent me his resume with basic addition wrong. He claimed having 5 year SW(SoftWare) experiences at the summary. However, he only graduated ~2 years ago. Before he entered the university for MS degree, he claimed had 6 years VB experiences. Is it possible?

1) 2 years experience after MS degree
2) 2 years in Univ. to get the degree
3) 6 years experience before that

How to add these numbers to 5???

Oh, yeah!!!
Finally, I figured out the math: 2 + 6/2 = 5

He was so modest and used his graduate school years to discount his VB experiences!!! It took a genius to figure out, no kidding! Smile

3years in Univ. to get the MS degree

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