Topic: 请问Struts中如何给Redirect过去的Action传参数?

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1.请问Struts中如何给Redirect过去的Action传参数? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xinzi
Posted on: 2004-03-09 13:46


<action path="/app/a" type="Action_A"
<action path="/app/b" type="Action_B"
<forward name="success" path="/app/" redirect="true"/>

现在在Action_B的代码中用return mapping.findForward("success");


2.Re:请问Struts中如何给Redirect过去的Action传参数? [Re: xinzi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hitaco
Posted on: 2004-03-10 21:59

If redirect is used, all request scope data will be lost.

maybe you can configure your form in session scope.

Unlike "forward", redirect involves two HTTP request, since HTTP is stateless, request scope data will never be maintained between different user requests.

3.Re:请问Struts中如何给Redirect过去的Action传参数? [Re: xinzi] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: xinzi
Posted on: 2004-03-11 09:06

Hi thaks a lot!
I've solve the problem.

String path = mapping.findForward("success").getPath();

//TODO: 读取本Action所有的请求参数,将path重新构造,加上请求参数

ActionForward = new ActionForward(path);
return forward;

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