Topic: struts中message的问题

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1.struts中message的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lizwjiang
Posted on: 2003-08-04 21:50

在Jsp中用到<bean:message key="inputOK.message"/>需要在struts-config中做什么配置吗?我在Jbuilder中没有配置也能正常运行,但长听到有人说需要配置,怎么回事?

2.Re:struts中message的问题 [Re: lizwjiang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dxy1999
Posted on: 2003-08-04 21:59


3.Re:struts中message的问题 [Re: lizwjiang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lsp
Posted on: 2003-08-05 08:40

要写两个xml文件mapping 和 forward(名字你可以自己定)

<event>event name from jsp<event/>
<forward>event name in forward.xml</>

<forward>event name in forward.xml</forward>
<>jsp you want display </>

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