Topic: Spring Framework -- version 1.2.6 released

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1.Spring Framework -- version 1.2.6 released Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-07-08 03:20

Spring 1.2.6 was released on 2005.11.14

Spring is a J2EE framework that came out of Rod Johnson's book
"Expert One-on-One - J2EE Design and Development".

Mission Statement
o J2EE should be easier to use
o It's best to program to interfaces, rather than classes. Spring reduces the complexity cost of using interfaces to zero.
o JavaBeans offer a great way of configuring applications.
o OO design is more important than any implementation technology, such as J2EE.
o Checked exceptions are overused in Java. A framework shouldn't force you to catch exceptions you're unlikely to be able to recover from.
o Testability is essential, and a framework such as Spring should help make your code easier to test.

Our philosophy is summarized in Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson.

We aim that:
o Spring should be a pleasure to use
o Your application code should not depend on Spring APIs
o Spring should not compete with good existing solutions, but should foster integration. (For example, JDO, Toplink, and Hibernate are great O/R mapping solutions. We don't need to develop another one.)

2.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-07-08 03:54

Hehe..., I love this!! Where in the world did you dig out this, man?

Folks, come aboard and take a ride!

3.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-07-08 08:36

floater: I came across it on SourceForge two months ago when I was looking for a framework which my friend suggested. was empty then, and today I read it from

Rod Johnson wrote that his next book would be "about J2EE design, using Spring for all the examples".

Mr. Johnson also said "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development is still very relevant to Spring as it lays out the basic approach. Although the codebase has evolved significantly through having a true open source community, we've remained faithful to that basic approach."

Maybe floater could lead us getting deeper into "the basic approach" through discussion on this Spring framework.
Even better, contribute to the to-do-list for Spring 1.0.

4.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-07-08 12:30

I went through the src from wrox for this book. I had the impression that the code is in good shape, but not in production quality. The document is very poor for users of these libs, most of the time we have to go through the code to figure out something.

Hopefully with this open source thing, we could have some good pierces and more detailed documents.

Ideally, for a lib, we should have a few settings and as few classes as possible to communicate through(so we have less dependencies) and as much power as possible(maximum usage). The usage document should be complete so users don't need to go through source code, especially the dependent classes should be explicitly singled out. Johnson didn't pay much attention on these(otherwise the book would be even thicker, Tongue. Well, configuration part is pretty neat). He just showed these in the demo for usage. Hope this open source could make up for this.

I am definitely going to use these peirces one by one, one way or another.

I am not sure how I could help folks to better understand this book, let me know whatever you think, concrete steps. I'll try my best.

I feel anything I introduce about this book is superfacial because everything is right in the book, the logic deduction is there, the solutions to problems are there. Johnson is just right at the points. His basic, simple approach works best in my experience.

5.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: JasonZhang
Posted on: 2003-07-09 21:29

I bought the book and I am reading now. Hopefully, I could catch you guys.

6.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2003-08-10 13:11


7.Re:Spring Framework 0.9.1 -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-08-10 20:44

davidself wrote:

hehe, just want to post this news.Smile

Spring Framework 0.9.1 has been released.
This release still uses com.interface21 as package name. It can be
considered a drop-in replacement for 0.9, with very few incompatible
changes but numerous improved features.

1.0 M1 (to be released end of August) will introduce the new
org.springframework package name, with few new features but
revised documentation etc.
Changes in version 0.9.1 (8.8.2003)
* revised distribution jar files (spring-beans, spring-jdbc, spring-full)
* fixed error logging in XmlBeanFactory
* support for XML bean definition includes via XML entities
* Spring bean definition DTD allows map entries to be lists now
* new BeanFactoryPostProcessor hook to override bean definition values
* revised PropertyResourceConfigurer based on BeanFactoryPostProcessor
* revised simple JNDI implementation
* support for execution context in SqlQuery hierarchy
* eager initialization of exception translator in JdbcTemplate
* fixed StoredProcedure transaction participation
* moved DataSourceTransactionManager to jdbc.datasource package
* revised JDO LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean with bean-defined settings
* revised Hibernate LocalSessionFactoryBean with bean-defined settings
* ability to use Spring-configured DataSource for Hibernate
* support for Hibernate entity interceptors
* fixed Hibernate transaction exception logging
* new HibernateTemplate convenience methods for single-step actions
* new convenience base classes for JDBC/Hibernate/JDO DAOs
* support for read-only transactions
* revised TransactionInterceptor configuration options
* TransactionInterceptor does not have a default strategy anymore
* updated AOP framework to current AOP Alliance interfaces
* optional CGLIB support in the AOP framework (to proxy full classes)
* distinction between static and dynamic method pointcuts
* new regular expression pointcut
* revised EJB support classes with BeanFactory access
* new BindInitializer support in BindUtils
* revised VelocityConfigurer with bean-defined settings
* support for Ant-style path matching in the web framework
* support for JSP expression language in tag implementations
* recommended "spring:" as tag prefix instead of "i21:"
* turned sample "PagedList" into full-fledged "Countries"
* new Petclinic tutorial
* new MVC-step-by-step tutorial
* new article "The Spring Framework - A Lightweight Container"
* new article "Container Resources vs Local Resources"

8.Re:Spring Framework 1.0 M1 -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book (1.0 M1 is released) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-08-31 17:22

This is the third public release towards 1.0 final. As the first 1.0 milestone
release, it introduces the package name "org.springframework",
superseding the former "com.interface21" that dated back to the
framework version from the book.

Changes in version 1.0 M1 (30.8.2003)
* changed package structure from com.interface21 to org.springframework
* revised distribution jar files (spring-beans, spring-context, spring-jdbc, spring)
* introduced DisposableBean interface
* introduced "destroy-method" attribute for XML bean definitions
* support for CSV as XML bean "name" to be able to define multiple aliases
* revised bean factory exception messages to include line numbers
* fixed typeMismatch reporting for nested bean properties
* added PropertiesFactoryBean as alternative to properties file loading
* added getValues and toCode methods to Constants utility class
* DynamicMethodPointcut now takes method, args and AttributeRegistry arguments instead of MethodInvocation
* JndiObjectFactoryBean does not prepend container prefix if scheme is given
* fixed Statement and ResultSet handling to work for all kinds of JDBC drivers
* dissolved ReadOnlyResultSet to make JdbcTemplate return the underlying ResultSet
* removed getSql method from PreparedStatementCreator interface
* introduced QueryExecutor interface for retrieval of underlying driver ResultSets
* added CommonsDbcpQueryExecutor implementation for Jakarta Commons DBCP
* revised RdbmsOperation hierarchy to allow for all of JdbcTemplate's options
* SingleConnectionDataSource implements DisposableBean
* SingleConnectionDataSource does not override auto-commit anymore
* renamed XxxExtracter to XxxExtractor and XxxTranslater to XxxTranslator
* support for returning Types.ARRAY from stored procedure
* LocalSessionFactoryBean implements DisposableBean
* added HibernateTemplate.deleteAll for batch deletes
* support for overlapping method name patterns in transaction attribute source definitions
* support for specifying timeouts via TransactionAttributeEditor
* added TransactionProxyFactoryBean for simplified transaction proxies
* removed support for non-transactional execution from AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
* added support for transaction timeouts via JDBC statement timeouts to DataSourceTransactionManager
* added support for transaction timeouts via Hibernate query timeouts to HibernateTransactionManager
* fixed RMI registry detection in RmiServiceExporter
* fixed custom editor usage for rejected field values
* introduced WebApplicationObjectSupport convenience base class
* refined cache control options in WebContentGenerator
* revised initHandler method in AbstractUrlHandlerMapping
* added "urlMap" property to SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
* revised exception behavior of RequestContext and BindErrorsTag
* re-added deprecated ContextLoaderServlet for Servlet 2.2 containers
* refactored Log4jConfigListener into Log4jWebConfigurer and listener
* introduced deprecated Log4jConfigServlet for Servlet 2.2 containers
* introduced Tiles support through TilesView and TilesConfigurer
* introduced support for Spring-aware Tiles component controller
* Adding customization in AbstractPdfView

9.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book (1.0 M1 is released) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2003-09-01 07:44


10.Re:Spring Framework -- framework based on Rod Johnson's book (1.0 M1 is released) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bbbaby
Posted on: 2003-09-07 21:22


11.Re:Spring Framework -- Intorducing the Spring Framework [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-10-15 05:53

Introducing the Spring Framework by Rod Johnson

Click here to open a new window

12.Re:Spring Framework -- Introducing the Spring Framework [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2003-10-24 09:27


Changes in version 1.0 M2 (23.10.2003) (broken)

13.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M2 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: waspxyz
Posted on: 2003-10-24 14:04

14.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M2 released [Re: waspxyz] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dapan
Posted on: 2003-10-24 15:58

waspxyz wrote:

15.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M2 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: yanger
Posted on: 2003-11-27 00:34

Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M3 released

16.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M2 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-11-28 01:36

Spring Framework 1.0 M3
This is the fifth public release towards 1.0 final. As you can see in the
changelog, there have been lots of changes in this iteration. The next
release will be 1.0 RC1
; we do not plan any further milestone releases.

M3 introduces significant new features and enhancements, among them:
- Type 3 IoC support in the bean factory (constructor resolution)
- bean factory SPI interfaces (package bean.factory.config)
- redesigned AOP API (more flexible pointcut handling etc)
- reworked and optimized transaction manager implementations
- fine-grained JDBC exception handling in the Hibernate support
- reworked JDO support with a new JdoDialect strategy
- reworked exception handling in the web framework
- working Tiles example application included

17.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M3 released (2003.11.25) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wsj
Posted on: 2003-12-31 13:48

这么多人喜欢Spring Framework

Spring refrence中文版(2003-12-23 中文第二版)

spring_referece_inchinese_m2.part1.rar (175.78k)

18.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M3 released (2003.11.25) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wsj
Posted on: 2003-12-31 13:48


spring_referece_inchinese_m2.part2.rar (171.12k)

19.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M4 released (2004.01.04) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-01-05 11:44

ANNOUNCEMENT: Spring Framework 1.0 M4 has just been released. Due to the introduction of significant new features, we have decided to release another milestone. Finally, the next release will be 1.0 RC1.

Beginning with this release, we offer two distributions for download:

Both distributions contain all sources, tests, samples, build scripts,
and docs. The difference is that "-with-dependencies" contains all third
party libraries necessary for building the samples and the framework
itself. Of course, the distributions still contain pre-built JAR files.

20.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 M4 released (2004.01.04) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jigsaw
Posted on: 2004-02-12 14:31

1.0 RC1终于rls了 好像暂时没有下一步的计划了

21.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-02-14 04:41

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce that Spring Framework 1.0 Release Candidate 1 has just been released. This release finally covers all features targeted for 1.0.

22.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jigsaw
Posted on: 2004-03-04 16:41

又跳票了。。本该是final 却出了rc2

23.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-03-04 17:20


24.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-03-04 17:57

acegi security for spring

25.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-03-04 17:58

The Spring Framework Rich Client Platform (spring-rcp), release 1.0

The Spring Rich Client Platform (RCP) is a sub-project of The Spring Framework. Spring-RCP's mission is to provide an
elegant way to build highly-configurable, GUI-standards-following rich-client applications faster by leveraging the
Spring Framework, and a rich library of UI factories and support classes. Initial focus is on providing support for Swing
applications but a goal of Spring-RCP is to be view agnostic as much as possible.

26.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC1 released (2004.02.11) [Re: jigsaw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-03-05 02:23

jigsaw wrote:
又跳票了。。本该是final 却出了rc2

hehe, once one of our project slipped 14 times, Smile.

27.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-03-05 06:55

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce that Spring Framework 1.0 Release Candidate 2 has just been released. RC2 covers all features targeted for 1.0, which should be released soon.

Changes since Release Candidate 1 include:
scheduling support via Quartz and Timer
support for the SqlMapClient API of iBATIS SQL Maps 2
JdbcTemplate convenience methods, taking prepared statement arguments as Object array
support for custom RMI socket factories and additional RMI invocation parameters
PreferencesPlaceholderConfigurer, resolving placeholders via J2SE 1.4 Preferences
optional "type" attribute for "constructor-arg" tag in XML bean definitions
revised BeanFactoryLocator implementations
simplified AOP Advisor interface hierarchy
revised DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementation hierarchy
extended mapping configuration options in LocalSessionFactoryBean
metadata support uses latest Commons Attributes snapshot
VelocityView supports Velocity Tools 1.1

A full list of changes is included in the the changelog.

28.Road map [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-03-12 10:16

from maillist


As we agree to do quick 1.1/1.2/etc releases, we need to prioritize the feature requests in our Jira now. I suggest to target the following:

1.0 final (March 20th)
* AOP Alliance update
* FreeMarker support

1.1 RC1 (end of April)
* JMS support
* JMX support
* declarative rules-based validator
* minor enhancements to the web framework

1.1 final (late May)

1.2 RC1 (end of June)
* OGNL support
* JCA support
* enhanced RMI support
* enhanced PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader

1.2 final (late July)

1.3 RC1
* support for JDK 1.5 metadata?
* Prevayler support?
* JdoDialects for major JDO implementations?
* Spring/JDO sample application?

Keith et al, do you think you can finish JMX and declarative validation in time? Anyone willing to work on OGNL support and give an estimate?


DI Jürgen Höller
Senior System Architect

29.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: collins
Posted on: 2004-03-17 09:27



30.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-03-22 11:28


The Spring development team is busy preparing for the Spring Framework 1.0 Final Release. Check back here for any announcements.

31.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-03-23 10:27

They are making up docs.

32.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-03-23 19:50


33.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 RC2 released (2004.03.01) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jigsaw
Posted on: 2004-03-25 08:57

1.0 final (24.3.2003) 哈哈

34.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0 Final released (2004.03.24) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-04-23 07:21

Spring Framework 1.0.1 released

* added Struts ActionSupport and DispatchActionSupport base classes, for easy access to a Spring context
* added Struts ContextLoaderPlugIn and DelegatingActionProxy, superseding Don Brown's Spring Struts Plugin
* reworked ComponentControllerSupport class for Tiles to be compatible with both Struts 1.1 and Struts 1.2

* fixed Hibernate/JTA synchronization cleanup in case of Hibernate flushing failure on commit
* added support for transaction-scoped Hibernate Sessions with plain JTA or EJB CMT, without JtaTransactionManager
* fixed JdbcTemplate's "queryForList" to correctly handle a single row with a single column as result

* XmlApplicationContexts support file patterns as config locations (e.g. "/WEB-INF/*-context.xml")
* SQLErrorCodesFactory caches database product name to avoid unnecessary metadata lookups
* factored out message code resolution into MessageCodesResolver strategy

* refined internals of the AOP framework, for clearer subpackage interdependencies
* refined support for array/List/Map properties in BeanWrapperImpl
* refined AbstractMessageSource internals, for clearer handling of fallbacks

35.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.1 (2004.04.22) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-06-03 11:26

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce the release of
Spring Framework 1.0.2.

This release introduces a variety of enhancements throughout the framework, plus some minor bugs fixes. Among the enhancements in this release are:

* New "mock" source tree and "spring-mock" jar file, containing JNDI and Servlet API mocks for usage in applications
* CachedIntrospectionResults flushes the JavaBeans Introspector cache for proper garbage collection on shutdown
* Added ObjectFactory interface and ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean, for non-intrusive creation of prototype beans
* AbstractXmlApplicationContext uses PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver for Ant-style config location patterns
* Added support for "xxx*" field patterns to BindException's "getFieldErrors" and "getFieldError" methods
* QuartzJobBean applies SchedulerContext entries as bean properties, just like it also does for JobDataMap entries
* Added UserCredentialsDataSourceAdapter, for transparently appying username and password to target DataSource calls
* Added RowMapperResultReader, to be used instead of a custom RowCallbackHandler when mapping rows to objects
* Added AbstractLobStreamingResultSetExtractor and AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback
* Reworked "imagedb" sample app, with a redesigned implementation of the DefaultImageDatabase class
* iBATIS SQL Maps 2.0 integration classes support per-SqlMapClient DataSource and lazy loading of paginated lists
* DispatcherServlet detects ViewResolvers by type to allow for ViewResolver chaining (respecting order values)
* added "doSubmitAction" template method to SimpleFormController, for submit actions without caring about ModelAndView
* AbstractWizardFormController optionally supports "_page" request parameter, for proper handling of back button usage
* Added support for "*"/"person.address.*"-style field patterns to BindTag's "path" attribute
* Added Struts DelegatingRequestProcessor and DelegatingTilesRequestProcessor as alternatives to DelegatingActionProxy

See the changelog for details. We have also refined our roadmap; see our JIRA for a rough plan of what's ahead.

36.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.1 (2004.04.22) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-06-03 11:59

NEWS: Spring Framework and J2EE Application Development presentation at Hong Kong JUG by Raymond Lai. Raymond's presentation can be downloaded here.

37.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.2 (2004.06.02) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-06-03 22:14

not reachable.

38.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.2 (2004.06.02) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-06-28 16:37

Hi everybody,

As many of you might already have noticed, we decided to go straight to 1.1 RC1 as our next release. This means that there won't be an intermediate 1.0.3 release with minor enhancements but rather an earlier 1.1 release candidate. The main reason is that we already have major new functionality in CVS that is worth of becoming 1.1.

The current plan is to release 1.1 RC1 on July 11th, with the following new features:

* refined Cglib2AopProxy implementation
* support for static factory methods in the BeanFactory
* method-based dependency injection aka lookup methods
* more powerful root/child bean definition concept
* "classpath*" prefix for retrieving all classpath resources with same name
* opened-up application event handling (allowing for Mule integration)
* nested transaction support (via JDBC 3.0 Savepoints)
* custom SQL type values as JDBC operation parameters
* BLOB/CLOB values as JDBC operation parameters (via LobHandler)
* BatchSqlUpdate class for convenient batch operations
* refined JdoDialect in preparation for JDO 2.0 compatibility
* convenience operations on JdoTemplate (a la HibernateTemplate)
* added OpenPersistenceManagerInViewInterceptor/Filter for JDO
* support for persistent Quartz jobs with Spring resource management
* explicit support for HTML checkboxes (via field marker parameters)

All of those features are already in CVS and open for review. We will spend the next two weeks reviewing and refining, and are grateful for any early feedback!

For 1.1 final by the end of July, we plan to have the following too:

* SQLException translation enhancements
* support for JDBC 3.0 auto-generated keys
* support for sending JMS messages (moved out of the sandbox)
* basic JSF integration helpers (analogous to our Struts helpers)
* form simplification macros (for JSP 2.0, Velocity, FreeMarker)

All remaining enhancement requests have been moved to 1.2 (to be expected in autumn), most notably Portlet support and JMX support. Furthermore, Keith's rules-based declarative validation is likely to become a subproject, with a first stable release to be expected within the Spring 1.2 timeframe.



39.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.2 (2004.06.02) [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-06-28 16:39

两个月前我把spring和spring-rcp的CVS Project加到Eclipse中了

40.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.0.2 (2004.06.02) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-07-29 07:07

The Spring team are happy to announce a release candidate of Spring 1.1.

New features and enhancements in Spring 1.1 RC1 include:

* IoC container supports Method Injection: the overriding of concrete or
abstract methods, typically to look up a dependency managed by the
container. This means even less need to implement Spring-specific
interfaces such as BeanFactoryAware.
* The IoC container can now obtain objects from static factory methods
as well as constructors. This enhancement allows excellent AspectJ
integration: it is now possible to configure AspectJ aspects using Spring
Dependency Injection, like any object. We plan to provide examples of
AspectJ integration before 1.1 final.
* Support for sending and receiving JMS messages
* Support for Apache OJB as an ORM alternative, within Spring's
consistent data access abstraction
* Significantly improved JDO support
* Greater flexibility in translating SQLExceptions, and other JDBC enhancements
* Support for nested transactions and savepoints when working with
JDBC. Declarative transaction management can support nested transactions.
* AOP proxies are now serializable if all Advisors and target are serializable
* Improved Velocity and FreeMarker support
* Reworked parent/child bean definition concept: a child can now override
any inherited settings. This can be used to simplify configuration.

Spring 1.1 final is scheduled for release in mid August, and will be 100%
backward compatible with Spring 1.0.2. As Spring aims to minimize
dependency of application code on the framework, and because changes
are backward compatible, we do not expect that existing applications will
require any code changes to migrate to Spring 1.1.

The main focus between now and the 1.1 final release will be on
documentation and examples.

41.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.1 RC1 (2004.07.28) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-08-19 20:52

Spring Framework 1.1 RC2 released

Among the new features in this release are:

* the new HTTP invoker remoting strategy, which uses Java serialization over HTTP (combining the strengths of RMI and Hessian)
* RemoteInvocationFactory and RemoteInvocationExecutor strategies for HTTP/RMI invoker, for additional invocation context
* basic JSF support in the form of a JSF VariableResolver implementation that is aware of Spring-managed middle tier beans
* form simplification macros for Velocity and FreeMarker, providing HTML input macros etc for easy form building
* DispatcherServlet looks for handler adapters, handler mappings, exception res., view res. in ancestor contexts as well
* HibernateTransactionManager and HibernateInterceptor support per-transaction entity interceptor instances
* WebLogicJtaTransactionManager which can resume a WebLogic JTA transaction even if it was marked rollback-only
* MimeMessageHelper provides "addInline" methods for adding inline elements with content IDs (referenced via "cid:xxx")
* Errors interface provides "pushNestedPath"/"popNestedPath" methods, for convenient handling of temporary nested paths
* Spring's Resource objects support a "createRelative" operation, for resource paths relative to the given one

Important changes and bugfixes include:

* a constructor argument value without index will now just be considered once, rather than matched multiple times
* introduced BeanDefinitionReader interface and reworked XmlBeanDefinitionParser SPI (warning: not backwards-compatible)
* fixed TransactionAspectSupport's after-returning behavior to always call commit even if transaction is not new
* SchedulerFactoryBean reschedules triggers in case of "overwriteExistingJobs", to update triggers of persistent jobs
* fixed JmsTemplate102's "doSend" implementation to properly work with a JMS 1.0.2 API jar in the classpath

42.Spring Framework 1.1 final released [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2004-09-05 21:40

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring 1.1 final has just been released. Since 1.1 RC2, some API clarifications have happened and a number of bugs have been fixed. There is also a variety of minor new features:

* reworked BeanWrapperImpl's property-specific custom editor handling to allow registration for uninitialized subpaths
* added "applyBeanPropertyValues" method to AutowireCapableBeanFactory, for populating an existing bean instance

* added "(abstract)" marker for properties bean definitions respectively "abstract" attribute for XML bean definitions

* added support for SqlReturnType interface which allows to return custom types from stored procedures
* added auto-conversion of java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar to java.sql.Date/Time/Timestamp for JDBC parameters
* added support for WebSphere 4 to WebSphereNativeJdbcExtractor, autodetecting WebSphere 5 and 4 now

* added WebLogicServerTransactionManagerFactoryBean, to be used with WebLogicJtaTransactionManager on WebLogic 7.0
* added support for direct JTA synchronization to AbstractLobType, as alternative to Spring transaction synchronization
* added "flush" method to HibernateOperations/HibernateTemplate and JdoOperations/JdoTemplate, for eager flushing
* added "getReportQueryIteratorByQuery" method to OJB PersistenceBrokerOperations and PersistenceBrokerTemplate

* deprecated AbstractJndiLocator base class in favor of new JndiObjectLocator base class with explicit "lookup" method
* added JndiObjectTargetSource which performs a fresh JNDI lookup for each call, allowing for hot redeployment in JNDI
* added "cache" flag to JndiDestinationResolver, to allow for turning off the caching of Destination objects from JNDI
* added support for ObjectMessage to SimpleMessageConverter, converting between Serializable objects and ObjectMessages

* added RemoteConnectFailureException and RemoteLookupFailureException as RemoteAccessException subclasses
* added JndiRmiServiceExporter, JndiRmiClientInterceptor, JndiRmiProxyFactoryBean (for RMI-IIOP resp. CORBA)
* added "lookupStubOnStartup", "cacheStub" and "refreshStubOnConnectFailure" flags to RmiClientInterceptor
* added "lookupHomeOnStartup" and "refreshHomeOnConnectFailure" flags to AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor

* added "createMimeMessage(InputStream)" method to JavaMailSender, building a MimeMessage from raw MIME content
* MimeMessageHelper creates "multipart/related" now, to make mails with inline images compatible with Outlook Express
* added "validateAddresses" property to MimeMessageHelper (off by default), delegating to JavaMail 1.3's "validate"

* added "http10Compatible" flag to RedirectView, to be turned off for sending HTTP 1.1 status code 303 rather than 302
* added "buildPdfMetadata" callback to AbstractPdfView, for adding meta fields like author to the iText PDF Document
* added LookupDispatchActionSupport class to Struts support, analogous to ActionSupport but for LookupDispatchActions

As usual, see the changelog for details. Note that the 1.1 code base contains minor changes in various SPIs which are not backwards-compatible. The API as typically used in applications is as close to 100% compatible as possible, though.



43.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.1 Final [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-09-05 22:08

Release Notes for Spring 1.1 (September 4, 2004)

44.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.1 Final [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-10-01 09:58

Spring Framework 1.1.1 is available

Among the new features in this release are:

* "import" element for XML bean definitions
* support for non-public classes and non-public init and destroy methods
* bean factory regards bean references for correct destruction order (not requiring "depends-on")
* bean factory detects JDK 1.4 and Commons Collections for linked/identity map creation
* factored out the "publishEvent" method into the ApplicationEventPublisher interface
* included new "test" package in mock JAR, offering superclasses for tests requiring Spring contexts
* added "applyQueryTimeout" method to the JdoDialect interface
* added "addAttribute" and "getAttribute" methods to RemoteInvocation
* explicit support for EHCache via EhCacheManagerFactoryBean and EhCacheFactoryBean
* SimpleMessageConverter102 handles BytesMessage without JMS 1.1's "getBodyLength" method
* added JmsGatewaySupport convenience base class
* added ServletForwardingController and ServletWrappingController
* BindStatus and BindTag can be created without Errors instance in the request too
* changed MessageTag's "arguments" attribute to Object
* added "javaScriptEscape" attribute to MessageTag
* added EscapeBodyTag aka "spring:escapeBody"

45.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.1.1 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-11-15 08:00

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that Spring 1.1.2 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release. Among the new features are:

* added support for multi-dimensional collections to BeanWrapperImpl (e.g. "map[myKey][0]" or "map[myKey][0].name")
* added "getType(name)" method to BeanFactory interface, checking the type of object that "getBean" would return
* added "getBeansOfType(type)" convenience method to ListableBeanFactory interface, without explicit filters
* added PropertyPathFactoryBean, allowing to evaluate the property path of a target bean and expose the result
* allow "bean*" rather than "bean+" in XML bean definitions, i.e. no bean definitions in a file (just imports)

* AbstractApplicationContext automatically registers a context-aware ResourceArrayPropertyEditor for Resource arrays
* added GenericApplicationContext class, allowing for arbitrary definition formats (via a single internal BeanFactory)
* improved ResourceBundleMessageSource and ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource implementations
* added "setText(plainText, htmlText)" method to MimeMessageHelper, for alternative texts in the same mail

* added "objectResult(collection,type)" and "intResult"/"longResult(collection)" convenience methods to DataAccessUtils
* added support for pre-bound Sessions (e.g. OpenSessionInViewFilter/Interceptor) with JTA and TransactionManagerLookup
* added "load(entity, id)" method to HibernateOperations and HibernateTemplate
* added "initialize" and "closeIterator" methods to HibernateOperations/Template, following "Hibernate.initialize/close"
* added "queryCacheRegion" property to HibernateTemplate, specifying the cache region used for queries

* added ServletContextResourcePatternResolver, to find matching resources within a web app even in an unexpanded WAR
* added "defaultStatusCode" property to SimpleMappingExceptionResolver, specifying the HTTP status code for error views
* UrlBasedViewResolver supports a "redirect:" prefix now, for convenient redirects through special view names
* added "springMessage"/"springMessageText" macros for Velocity and "message"/"messageText" macros for FreeMarker

For details, please have a look at the changelog.

Note that this Spring distribution comes with an updated HSQLDB version, namely Unfortunately, the HSQLDB 1.7.2 branch is incompatible with 1.7.1 in some areas. While all Spring sample apps have been adapted accordingly, please be aware that updating your own applications with the new hsqldb.jar requires your HSQLDB server to be updated too (i.e. both need to run version 1.7.2). Furthermore, watch out when running on JBoss <3.2.6, which ships with HSQLDB 1.7.1 in the server classpath.



46.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.1.1 [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-12-13 14:45

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce that Spring Framework 1.1.3 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release in the 1.1 series; most importantly, JDK 1.3 compatibility is fully restored. Among the new features in this release are:

* added "setResourceLoader" method to GenericApplicationContext, for overriding the default resource loading strategy
* added FileSystemResourceLoader, resolving paths as file system resources rather than as class path resources
* BeanWrapperImpl automatically registers a default ResourceArrayPropertyEditor
* added CustomCollectionEditor, by default registered to convert between Set, SortedSet and List (when necessary)
* added "fileEncoding" and "propertiesPersister" properties to PropertyResourceConfigurer
* reworked DefaultListableBeanFactory's "getBeansOfType" to return FactoryBean instances when passed a FactoryBean type
* DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser resolves "set" tag as LinkedHashSet on JDK 1.4, falling back to HashSet on JDK 1.3
* factored out AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext as base class of AbstractXmlApplicationContext
* added "setIgnoreUnknownFields" method to DataBinder, enforcing request parameters to match fields when turned "false"

* added "execute(ConnectionCallback)" method to JdbcTemplate, allowing any kind of operation on a given Connection
* added DB2SequenceMaxValueIncrementer, implementing the DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer interface for a DB2 sequence
* fixed Hibernate/JTA synchronization to also work with EJB remote transaction propagation (with >1 thread involved)
* added "transactionConfigClass" and "transactionConfigProperties" customization properties to SqlMapClientFactoryBean

* added optional "proxyInterface" property to JndiObjectFactoryBean, for exposing a proxy rather than the plain object
* added "lookupOnStartup" and "cache" properties to JndiObjectFactoryBean, allowing for lazy lookup on first access etc
* added "codebaseUrl" property to HttpInvokerClientInterceptor, specifying a URL for dynamic class download
* added support for dynamic class downloading to AbstractHttpInvokerRequestExecutor and its subclasses

* DispatcherServlet by default cleans up request attributes after include request (configurable via "cleanupOnInclude")
* UrlBasedViewResolver supports a "forward:" prefix too, for forwards to other controllers through special view names
* added "attributes" (Properties) and "attributesMap" (Map) properties to UrlBasedViewResolver, for static attributes
* InternalResourceView performs an include if the response has already been committed (-> forward not possible anymore)
* JstlView and TilesJstlView respect a JSTL "localizationContext" config in web.xml, checking those messages first
* added overloaded "createVelocityContext" and "exposeHelpers" methods to VelocityView, with passed-in servlet response
* added "toolAttributes" property to VelocityView, taking attribute name / tool class name pairs for tools to expose
* added JasperReportsXxxView to allow for convenient rendering of CSV/HTML/PDF/XLS web views with Jasper Reports
* added MappingDispatchActionSupport class, as convenience subclass of Struts 1.2's MappingDispatchAction

As always, have a look at the changelog for details.
Downloads are available through the SourceForge project page [2004-12-12]

47.preview release of Spring Web Flow [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-04-01 02:35

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce a preview release of Spring Web Flow for use with the Spring 1.2 release path. With this release, we consider the web flow system fit for development use.

Contained in this release are new features we expect to take web applications with demanding page flow requirements to the next level. These include:

* The ability to capture the logical page flows of your application as self-contained modules reusable in multiple situations.
* The ability to nest flows 'n' levels deep (as subflows), where each flow is a "black-box" adhering to a well-defined contract for input/output.
* The ability to express page flows declaratively, with a pluggable flow definition format (currently Java-based and XML-based builder formats are provided.)
* The ability to affect the path through a flow in a dynamic fashion by reasoning on contextual data in any supported scope.
* The ability to track and respond to the lifecycle of a page flow.
* Automatic state management with the ability to store model data in several scopes (event, request, flow)
* The ability to centralize related action logic associated with a flow in one class.
* Support for application transaction synchronization, using a token-based mechanism.
* No hard-wired dependency on HTTP servlet request/response or any request URL, for use in other environments like Portlets, JSF, and Tapestry. - An expired flow detector, for automatic cleanup of abandoned flows.
* Out of the box helper actions for form data binding and validation.
* Out of the box Struts 1.x integration (sample forthcoming.)
* Out of the box Spring MVC integration.
* Designed for extensibility, with well-documented plug-in points for customization (custom state types, custom flow builders, etc.)

And as always, with the Spring seal of quality you've come to expect, we offer:

* Quality documentation, both in the javadocs and forthcoming reference docs
* Strong test coverage
* Careful attention to naming, packaging, and ease of use
* Exceptional error reporting
* A feature set driven by end user needs

To download the preview release:

1. Access the springframework project file list

2. Scroll down to the 'spring-webflow' release package and select '' for download.

The release archive consists of two jars:

1. spring-webflow.jar - the core web flow system (org.springframework.web.flow.*)

2. spring-webflow-support.jar - supporting packages not yet released as part of the core Spring framework.

As the release archive does not ship with the Spring Framework, please download Spring 1.2 RC1 first if you have not done so already.

Once downloaded, visit the webflow space to review the module documentation and "Quick Start."

To get a good feel for Spring Web Flow in action, checkout the samples in the release archive within the samples/webflow directory. See the samples/webflow/readme.txt file on how to build and deploy the sample applications. We very much value your feedback, and hope you enjoy using Spring Web Flow as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you.


Keith Donald
Erwin Vervaet

2nd preview release of Spring Web Flow
This stable-for-development-use release offers some major new features like pluggable flow execution storage strategies, with continuations support, support for OGNL transition criteria and more. [2005-04-11]

48.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2 RC2 (2005.04.18) [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-04-21 20:04

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are pleased to announce that Spring 1.2 RC2 has just been released.

This release introduces one major new feature:
- support for JCA's Common Client Interface (CCI), including support for CCI local transactions

Furthermore, there are various minor enhancements, for example:
- deprecated ListableBeanFactory's "getBeanDefinitionNames(type)", in favor of "getBeanNamesForType"
- added "value"/"value-ref" shortcut attributes to XML "entry" tag for maps
- added "alias" root element for XML bean definition files, for aliases for beans in other files

- JdbcAccessor lazily initializes the SQLExceptionTranslator by default now
- added further configuration options to LocalSessionFactoryBean for Hibernate3
- added "defaultDestinationName" property to JmsTemplate, for a dynamic default destination

- refined Resource support for compatibility with JDK 1.3's classic VM and with JRockit's jar paths
- refactored static PathMatcher class into PathMatcher interface and AntPathMatcher implementation
- added ConfigurableMimeFileTypeMap, with extensive MIME type mappings out-of-the-box

- added "context.i18n" package, with LocaleContext abstraction and global LocaleContextHolder
- DispatcherServlet exposes the current LocaleResolver through the global LocaleContextHolder
- added RemoteInvocationTraceInterceptor, logging remote calls and exceptions on the server

- updated JasperReports support for JR 0.6.6, using JRDefaultCompiler as default report compiler
- reworked AbstractJasperReportsView to work on JasperPrint instance rather than JasperReport instance
- added support for reports with embedded SQL statements to AbstractJasperReportsView

For a detailed list of enhancements and bug fixes, see the changelog.

This release candidate is considered stable and recommended for development use. We expect Spring 1.2 final to be released in about two weeks.

49.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2 final released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-05-14 12:37

On this lucky Friday the 13th, we are pleased to announce that Spring 1.2 final has just been released.

The major new features since 1.2 RC2 are:
o TopLink support (for both TopLink 9.0.4 and 10.1.3)
o JDO 2.0 support (tested against JPOX 1.1 beta 3)
o Hibernate 3.0.3 support (aggressive release of Connections)

The overall major new features of Spring 1.2 are:
o finer-grained distribution jar files
o simplified XML bean definitions
o JMX support
o JDK 1.5 transaction annotation
o support for WebLogic JTA extensions
o JDBC RowSet support
o JCA CCI support
o JDO2 support
o Hibernate3 support
o TopLink support

For details on new features, deprecations and bug fixes, please see the change log.

FYI, we have a 1.2.1 release scheduled for June, featuring minor enhancements that did not make 1.2 final. See our JIRA road map for details.

50.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.1 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-05-31 00:23

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.1 has just been released.
This is a bugfix and refinement release, addressing a number of issues
found in 1.2 final.

Furthermore, the PetClinic sample has been updated to serve as
showcase for JMX export: the JDBC version exposes a cache refresh
operation and a call monitor via JMX now.

We'd like to encourage all Spring 1.2 RC/final users to upgrade to Spring
1.2.1, in particular if using the Hibernate3 integration.

For complete details on changes and bug fixes, please see the change log.

51.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.2 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-07-08 00:32

Colin Sampaleanu on Mon, 2005-07-04 23:20
Spring 1.2.2 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor
enhancement release. It also provides a unified basis for the upcoming
Spring WebFlow release candidate.

Besides refinements in the JTA transaction synchronization and
SQLException translation, this release introduces a variety of internal
refactorings and new helper classes. Furthermore, support for JDK 1.5's
XML-based properties format has been added to all relevant Spring classes.

We have also extended our reference documentation in various areas.
Most importantly, it covers JDO, TopLink, OJB, and JCA CCI now.

For complete details on changes and bug fixes, please see the change log.

52.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.3 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-07-30 11:05

(2005-07-26 )
Spring Framework 1.2.3 Released

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.3 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues related to the application context startup sequence and introducing various minor new features.

All Spring 1.2.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to Spring 1.2.3, in particular if using factory methods and/or auto-proxy creation (as used by the transaction annotation support). Full backwards compatibility with Spring 1.2.1 should be restored in that area.

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.

53.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.4 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2005-08-28 19:21

Submitted by Colin Sampaleanu on Sat, 2005-08-27 21:36.

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.4 has just been released.
This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues
found in previous 1.2.x releases and introducing various minor new features.

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.

54.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.4 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rock2004
Posted on: 2005-09-19 22:20


55.Re:Spring Framework -- version 1.2.4 released [Re: why] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: newbiemen
Posted on: 2005-09-21 10:05

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