Topic: struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊?

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1.struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Johnny
Posted on: 2003-06-26 12:19

我在资源文件里面的中文的错误信息用<html:errors/>输出都是乱码,<bean:message key="loginOK.message"/>输出也同样是乱码,大侠们怎么解决的啊?

2.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么半啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lihongtao
Posted on: 2003-06-26 12:58

3.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么半啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: neweagle
Posted on: 2003-06-26 12:59

native2ascii -encoding gb2312

4.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么半啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Johnny
Posted on: 2003-06-26 19:08


5.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 灯泡
Posted on: 2003-06-28 12:21

to johnny
you can post your methed to share.
you will help many Pfans.

6.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2003-06-30 08:12

1. You may send mail to apache for bug report, since you modified the code and it might help others.
2. There is a task in ANT can do native -->unicode.

7.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Johnny
Posted on: 2003-06-30 10:27

to floater: i don't think it's a bug of struts, if it is a bug, it's a bug of jdk(jre), there is no method to specify the encoding of a resource file when you use call Class.getResource() or Class.getResourceAsStream().

to dengpao: it's not me find this solution, i found a article somewhere mentioned it, may be just in this forum.
to struts1.02, you can find org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources, goto line 290 or so, and make these changes:
String sProps = props.getProperty(key);
sProps=new String(sProps.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"GB2312");
catch(Exception e)

8.Re:struts的resource文件里面的中文输出是乱码怎么解决啊? [Re: Johnny] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: liuhey
Posted on: 2003-07-24 14:39

我觉得最好的方法是采用UTF-8编码进行资源文件的编码,本身Unicode就是来解决编码方面的问题。如果采用这种方法进行编码转换,sProps.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"GB2312"); 不知对于象日文这样的双字节编码能行吗?

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