Topic: 求教:SpringMVC中如何使用XmlHttp?

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1.求教:SpringMVC中如何使用XmlHttp? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: SmileBoy
Posted on: 2005-09-23 19:25


2.Re:求教:SpringMVC中如何使用XmlHttp? [Re: SmileBoy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2005-09-23 20:48

Could you expand a little, I don't get your point since, in my view, these two are unrelated. Spring is more on the server side, while XMLHttp is just a client side javascript object.

Using XMLHttp, there is no difference between Spring and any other MVC because it's http based.

Having said that, however, there is a framework, DWR.

For more info, search ajax here or in google.

3.Re:求教:SpringMVC中如何使用XmlHttp? [Re: SmileBoy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: linux_china
Posted on: 2005-09-24 08:52


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