Topic: Gaijin Studio 0.9.3 Released

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1.Gaijin Studio 0.9.3 Released Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2005-03-03 09:16


Gaijin Studio extends the Eclipse IDE to facilitate building applications based on the Spring Web Flow framework. Gaijin provides an environment for creating and configuring web flows to build a web application. It includes a web flow editor which allows an application to be modeled visually and stored as XML metadata. Template-based code generators use the metadata to generate the web flow builder, configuration, and supporting classes. This reduces the amount of time needed to develop an application and allows detailed documentation to be generated from the metadata.

Project Creation Wizard

(+) Creates Eclipse project structure for a Spring Web Flow project.
(+) Establishes classpath container for libraries expected on the application server classpath.
(+) Copies application libraries into project and adds them to the Eclipse project classpath.
(+) Generates web descriptor including entries for Spring components needed to allow the Web Flow application to function.
(+) Optionally, creates an empty applicationContext.xml file and maps the file into a Spring IDE configuration set.
(+) Generates a simple Ant build script for building WAR based on project settings.

Other Features

(+) Web flow editor allows for drag-and-drop creation of a flow diagram using the various flow states provided by the Spring Web Flow framework.
(+) An integrated Eclipse builder uses metadata from the flow diagram to generate the flow builder, configuration files, and other supporting classes.
(+) Gaijin supports grouping of related web flows into web flow groups. Each web flow group has its own dispatcher and configuration files. A default properties file is created for each group and mapped automatically as the message source for the group. All groups share the beans provided by the root context as well as having a separate context configuration for components used only within that group.
(+) Gaijin Studio is fully integrated with the Spring IDE plugins which are included in the standard distribution. Spring IDE configuration sets are used to specify the group of configuration files that makes up the root context. The Spring IDE plugins also provide syntax highlighting of the config XML files and a graphical view of context bean relationships.

2.Re:Gaijin - [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: eeee
Posted on: 2005-03-08 12:10


3.Re:Gaijin - [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: rock2004
Posted on: 2005-03-28 17:13


4.Re:Gaijin Studio 0.9.3 Released [Re: davidself] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2005-04-16 11:06

0.9.3 released
spring web flow支持

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