Topic: 探讨Spring框架使用真相

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1.探讨Spring框架使用真相 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2004-08-27 21:41

板桥里人 2004/08/25



  其实说白了,大家"惊奇"的是它的IoC模式(使用AOP功能需要了解AOP,比较难),那么,Spring之类的Ioc模式是什么? 就是:你在编制程序时,只要写被调用者的接口代码,具体子类实例可通过配置实现。



  Spring最近还发表了Spring without EJB的书,这倒是说了实话,Spring和EJB其实是相竞争,如同黑与白,如果硬是将两者搭配使用,显得不协调,更不是一些人所谓优化EJB调用的谣言,原因下面将会分析。既然Spring+EJB有缺陷,那么就直接使用Spring+Hibernate架构,但是又带来了新问题:无集群分布式计算性能,只能在一台机器上运行啊,具体分析见:可伸缩性和重/轻量,谁是实用系统的架构主选?


  1. Spring不介入EJB容器,只做Web与EJB之间的接口,这个位置比较尴尬,Web层直接调用EJB的方法比较直接快捷,为什么要中间加个Spring?可实现Web缓存?使用性能更好的AOP框架aspectwerkz啊;实现Web和EJB解耦?这样的工具更多,自己都可以做个小框架实现,就不必打扰背着AOP和IOC双重重担的Spring了吧。

  2. Spring介入EJB容器,这时,需要在你的ejb-jar.xml中配置beanFactoryPath值指向你为EJB配置的applicationContext.xml,那么你的EJB还需要继承Spring的SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean。

  好了,现在你的SLSB(无状态Session Bean)成为下面这个样子:

  void updateUser(){
      myService.updateUser(); //委托给一个POJO的方法,真正业务逻辑封装在这个POJO中





  这种表面巧妙的优点带来最大的问题是:粗粒度事务机制。所谓粗粒度事务机制,最早见于Petstore的WEB调用EJB Command模式,在这个帖子中有讨论。


  public void updateUser(){

  public void updateUser(){
    updateTable2(); //更新table2


  public void updateUser(){
    updateTable2(); //更新table2





  为了避免你每次使用Spring时想到粘糊糊的异型,不如Spring without EJB,这也正是Spring的初衷,也是它的一个畅销书名。

2.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-08-27 23:10

Sigh, I just don't have time to comment these posts, but I guess I just have to do this. code is one thing, the reason behind it is another, the concept underneath it is a third. We need a little bit comprehension.


The core package(bean factories) and aop are foundations for others(context, dao, orm, transactions, web, etc). These others are not 画蛇添足, they solve particular problems, most stated in the expert 1-1 book. I guess this 板桥里人 doesn't understand what those problems are and thus have these comments.

其实说白了,大家"惊奇"的是它的IoC模式(使用AOP功能需要了解AOP,比较难),那么,Spring之类的Ioc模式是什么? 就是:你在编制程序时,只要写被调用者的接口代码,具体子类实例可通过配置实现。


Yes, this is the behavior. The real reason is the code dependency. Every line of code we write introduces dependency. This dependency creates all sorts of trouble and inconvenience for us and thus we want to isolate them desperately. When you have millions of lines of code and hundreds of applications, this is a very serious problem. Other benefits are reusable code, uniform resource handling, easy testing, flexibility, etc.


This is undeniably true, so we need a tool for compile time rather than runtime. I consider this a minor side effect of the surgery. Every solution to any problem will have some side effect. If it's a minor, we can live with it, then it's a good solution. I consider Struts' side effect as major.

Spring最近还发表了Spring without EJB的书,这倒是说了实话,Spring和EJB其实是相竞争

This 板桥里人 indeed doesn't understand what the problems are. Spring is not trying to replace EJB, it only replace it where it's broken, although EJB is broken in a lot of areas. Still that old saying, if it's not broken, don't fix it. The books have this, read them - when you need distribution(imposed by the business requirements, not others, like developers want to use it). So it's a compliment, and it's a very nice one because we don't need to pay for something we don't need.


Spring simplifies EJB programming a little bit, to the extent it can handle. Without Spring, if you have to use EJB, that's fine. With Spring, it helps a lot, e.g., the factory bean from spring, etc. It's your choice. But I would go with Spring. If you write 10 EJB beans, you would realize there are some common code in these beans and callers. Spring just puts these common code into libs and so makes your lives easier.


It's up to requirements, we just want to do minimal work.

1. Spring不介入EJB容器

I said it in 黑与白's comment. Another benefit the hookups between EJB and other components, integration. This is more on the EJB client side.

The rest of the comments about transactions are due to historic reasons and compatibility. EJB's transactions are heavyweight. If you don't need distribution, you should use Spring's transactions, it's simpler and easy to test.
However, if you have some code already in production, you can use Spring in conjunction with EJB, that's why there is 还要套上EJB. Actually, I think the nested transaction is a new feature in 1.1, required by some users, as I read bbs.


This is precisely that Spring didn't plan to do. If EJB can do the job in the distribution, why bother to reinvent the wheel? Let EJB do the job, and use Spring to hook EJB with others.

为了避免你每次使用Spring时想到粘糊糊的异型,不如Spring without EJB,这也正是Spring的初衷

rod johnson clearly said in the book and on the bbs that use it when it's appropriate, when you need distribution. I don't know wherethis guy got this idea.


I don't even know this is a popular book or not, do I need to care, hell no. As long as it's useful for me. Harry pot and lord of the ring are more popular, I have them setting on my harddrive for a long time and never touched them.

We need experience and background to understand the logic behind the superfacial behaviors. The logic deduction solely based on the behaviors could be off the right track, if we don't understand what the problems we are facing. Rod's two books are the most comprehensive to state these problems, as far as I know. Get the logic right first, and then see how they do it, not the other way around(unless we are at the code level).

3.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lcwling
Posted on: 2004-08-28 00:25


4.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hncszy
Posted on: 2004-08-28 09:08

由此可看出“ this 板桥里人” 对Spring某些方面的理解还比较肤浅啊!有些还是错误理解,呵呵……

5.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-08-30 17:38

中午敲了半天,突然停电,真郁闷 Black Eye



从代码上说,在对以前的程序采用spring进行重构的时候,dao的facotory被干掉了,自己写的那个自以为不错的“可配置、多种方式自由切换、连接多数据库”的组件也派不上用场了, 很是心痛的说。。。。hoho~~~~


偶现在对spring的态度就是:enjoy 。。。。。。。。。。。。 Big Smile

6.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-08-30 17:42



7.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dissip
Posted on: 2004-08-31 19:26

As i think, dependency injection(ioc) is the core of spring. (but some other projects also have similiar ideas, e.g. picocontainer)
Another good thing is its MVC implemtentation of the web framework. It seems it is seperate the responsibility more clearly than struts(And it also seems more complex) and make those web application more pure.
And it also provides some useful utils for projects such as its jdbc lib.

But as for aop, I don't agree with Rod.
As I think, becuase there are some crosscutting concerns which he has to face in his lib (e.g. the dao lib which requires to manipulate transaction demarcation-- a common candidate for aop), he includes the aop as part of spring.
But tiing the spring to a single implementation of an aop implementation will hinter itself.

8.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: holyadai
Posted on: 2004-09-02 09:07


9.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: holyadai] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: helloworld
Posted on: 2004-09-02 11:15



just so so !!

10.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-09-02 11:46




11.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-09-02 12:09

comments on aop, I tend to agree with rod. AOP is still evolving, far from mature. It's a two-edge sword. We could benefit from it, and get hurt too. that's why I tend to agree with Rod in his book, do it on a bigger scale, rather than on every object.

I am not sure, yet, whether my concerns are aop implementation related. Rod mentioned spring aop is working on the aopalliance interfaces, not on particular implementations, could be used seperately too. Of course, these interfaces are likely to change too over the time. But I think dissip raised a very good point, worth keeping an eye on it.

Spring framework is, by far, in my view, the simplest framework(You just can't beat an one-method interface(Controller)). So, at first sight, one could get lost in the forest; in fact, there is only one logic of thread. And I think not only Spring reaches this simplicity, but also this should be the way to go. From my experience in the last few years, I had this plan to develop a framework, pretty much the same as Spring web, but when I saw the spring one, I rest my case because it covers more than I planned, the IoC part. The only thing I added was the chain action portion in my tutorial, that was in my original plan, to further seperate actions from controllers(besides seperating views from controllers).

The only thread in Spring web is Controller-SimpleFormController, this should be the start point for new comers. Then one can expand this thread horizontally to others, as shown in the charts in my tutorial.

Spring web is better than struts in many ways, some of them are very fundamental, like view seperation, model seperation, interface driven, etc. I view struts as at least 4-year old technologies, the fact that it's popular doesn't mean it's a good choice. In my environment, it's popular among cobol converted java developers, no coding exp managers/architects. I don't even feel it's worth my time to convince those folks going Spring. I just leverage the power I have and put Spring in, my core team is convinced by the amount of code(With Spring, the code is really really small, easy to read). I just hope the folks here don't miss this piece. I used Spring and ibatis on one of my projects, most of the classes are less than 10 lines. Most of the config files are one page, even if it's more than one page, the entries are pretty much isolated, so there is no difficulty to read through.

expert 1-1 WEJB has some good network stuff.

The major issues with Spring in my practice are:
Hard to see all the config files, need a tool here.
dynamically change the config settings and save back to files.

like wes109 said, enjoy it, it's a pearl.

12.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: dissip
Posted on: 2004-09-03 12:37

dynamically change the config settings and save back to files.

I still think that dynamic configuration fall in the domain of jmx. (I have posted my concern for difference between spring and jmx before)

Although I wish it will, to make spring to implement this is difficult because currently spring (as a container) that only manage the creation and detroy(only for singleton) at startup/shutdown phase. it doesn't provide any management at runtime. To make it dynamic configuration in concurrent system need a lot more work. Smile

13.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jeffrey_he
Posted on: 2004-09-07 09:17


14.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: wes109] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: juweiping
Posted on: 2004-09-07 11:39

wes109 wrote:




15.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: floater] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tier3
Posted on: 2004-09-14 17:40

how about paste the comments from floater here to

maybe it will be funny if there are more people joining the discussion. Smile

16.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-09-14 21:25

Hehe, I didn't intend to target anyone, just feel we should be a little bit objective. If my comment is good for more healthy discussion, feel free to do so.

17.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: juweiping] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-09-15 08:37

juweiping wrote:



18.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: supertoy
Posted on: 2004-09-19 20:11

不谈技术,‘我对该人有些反感, 顺便说2个
该人曾经和写java和模式的作者有次论战。Dr. Yan声称banq的书里面借用了yan的一幅图,和若干比喻。banq没有承认,只是说什么百条道路通罗马云云。最后来了一句,他研究模式的时间短,但是人nb,现在在模式的上造纸已经超过yan云云。Dr yan写的东西,我是觉得有些啰嗦,简单事情复杂化,但是他莫名其妙的比喻,banq如果不是抄的,岂不是说明他和Dr yan也是一路水准,怎么又变得领先云云? 人品很是有点问题。

该人曾经和某位牛人论战,最后耍赖要求人家去好好看看的鼠标绘画作品,说一个想这样热爱生活的人,努力钻研的达到如此绘画境界的人,怎么可能技术会xxxxx云云。 绘花画鸟本来就讲的是一个性情,如此火爆性格,容不得人的态度,画出来的东西怎么也好不了了。在jdon上经常可以看到他痛贬某人的言论。还画什么画呀,简直是侮辱中国文化

动则以道友称呼,弄得我总觉得他是不是李师傅一样的人物。不懂装懂的言论甚多,成了名人以后愈发膨胀。最近又开始贬web service了。他贬的都是他从来没怎么做过的东西,真是牛人一个。

19.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tommy_kin
Posted on: 2004-09-30 15:17


20.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: tommy_kin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2004-09-30 15:21

tommy_kin wrote:

习惯而已,没什么可说的。Big Smile

21.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: tommy_kin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ww1ww1
Posted on: 2004-09-30 20:12

tommy_kin wrote:


22.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: tommy_kin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jameszhang
Posted on: 2004-10-13 08:36

tommy_kin wrote:


23.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-13 09:08

even the chinese fonts are very limited, not mention the input at all.

24.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: alexwish
Posted on: 2004-10-20 16:52


25.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kavinwang
Posted on: 2004-10-20 21:32



26.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-20 23:11

The short answer is: I can't.
The long answers are here:
1. I type chinese chars very slowly, comparable to java newbies' ClassNotFound.
2. I can't type in chinese in my workplace, it's an english env, can't install anything without permission.
3. I've lived abroad for 15 years, so my technical terms in computers are english oriented, writing in chinese simply interrupts my thinking dramatically(like drawing a circle in one hand and drawing a square in another...). I talked with mainlanders here, they have the same problem as I have. We always joke around: our english is better than chinese, our chinese is better than americans(not the other way around, in order to feel good, Tounge).
4. Help folks who want to improve english, exchange ideas, contribute to whatever I could to the chinese community, maybe 1-2 hours a day. I am using english, I am talking to folks here or elsewhere in chinese bbs, not because I can use english, I live somewhere, I look for some kind of fame, follow some trend. No, not those, I am too old for those. I come to here to contribute, maybe my contribution is small, 1-2 hours a day, maybe I am not good at many areas, but I can share whatever experience I have.

I've been here for almost two years, I found I benefit from here more than I contribute, I guess life is always even. Folks may not like my english approach at first, but if they think twice, they could take this chance to benefit from it too.

I like this forum because it's more concentrate on technicals, not politics or fashion shows. That's why I sighed at the beginning of the first post. The reason I wrote that was intended to correct something that I believe incorrect, which is entirely arguable. Furthermore, I would like to see more practical approaches, rather than testing approach or even blindly trend following.

27.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lcwling
Posted on: 2004-10-21 00:18


28.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: floater] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hncszy
Posted on: 2004-10-21 00:33

floater wrote:
I come to here to contribute, maybe my contribution is small, 1-2 hours a day, maybe I am not good at many areas, but I can share whatever experience I have.


I like this forum because it's more concentrate on technicals, not politics or fashion shows. That's why I sighed at the beginning of the first post. The reason I wrote that was intended to correct something that I believe incorrect, which is entirely arguable. Furthermore, I would like to see more practical approaches, rather than testing approach or even blindly trend following.

Thumbs up支持floater!!!

29.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: kavinwang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: helloworld
Posted on: 2004-10-21 02:54

kavinwang wrote:




30.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: errorter
Posted on: 2004-10-21 03:27



31.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jameszhang
Posted on: 2004-10-21 08:19


32.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: kavinwang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: littledeer1974
Posted on: 2004-10-21 08:41

kavinwang wrote:






33.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tangming
Posted on: 2004-10-21 11:26


34.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-21 11:44

yea, a little, maybe I should consider making this at the top, Tounge.

35.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tangming
Posted on: 2004-10-22 10:04


36.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kavinwang
Posted on: 2004-10-27 14:20

All just a word: sorry!

37.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kavinwang
Posted on: 2004-11-05 15:14



38.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-11-07 03:12

I am glad if it's useful and practical, otherwise treat them as chatting.

39.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: kavinwang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: emarket
Posted on: 2004-11-07 17:37

kavinwang wrote:


//hehe, 个人观点,鸟语不好,就不要学飞了,否则永远慢人家半拍。

40.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: emarket] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kavinwang
Posted on: 2004-11-07 18:46

emarket wrote:
//hehe, 个人观点,鸟语不好,就不要学飞了,否则永远慢人家半拍。



41.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-11-08 02:05

no, no need 甚至现在内心对那件事还有些遗憾. Here is where we communicate with each other, not fight against each other.

42.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 主管
Posted on: 2004-11-08 11:47

站在不同的角度讨论不同的问题是产生争议的根本。没有context没有约束的问题通常会有这样的争议。 sigh

43.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: malulu
Posted on: 2004-11-11 18:44


44.Re:探讨Spring框架使用真相 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: HenryYu
Posted on: 2004-12-15 13:20

spring是个好东西,ejb也是个好东西,很难想象j2ee开发没有应用服务容器是什么的样子的情形;分布式对象传递、容器事务、jms等等服务正在各个j2ee容器厂商赖依生存的基础,难道有了spring,ibm、bea等公司就等着game over了?显然不是,spring的出现减低了开发j2ee的难度,并不是改变了j2ee开发的道路。技术以项目为本,如果我们的项目需要分布式,我们没有理由抛弃ejb。

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