Topic: ejbCreate means a new Bean instance for CMP?

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1.ejbCreate means a new Bean instance for CMP? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wsjcert
Posted on: 2004-06-24 06:45

Confused with a concept:
For CMP, if client call "create" on HomeObject, will the container create a new Bean instance absolutly following that?

Another question is: why we need a unsetEntityContext in Entity Bean, while we don't have a similar "unsetSessionContext" method in Session Bean?

Thanks for your help

2.Re:ejbCreate means a new Bean instance for CMP? [Re: wsjcert] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ringayumi
Posted on: 2004-06-24 08:37

No , It pull out of the pool.

3.Re:ejbCreate means a new Bean instance for CMP? [Re: wsjcert] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wsjcert
Posted on: 2004-06-25 06:02

Yeah, Thanks.

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