Topic: 生僻字在程序里为乱码

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1.生僻字在程序里为乱码 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tomyan
Posted on: 2004-05-28 10:41

str=new String(request.getParameter('name').getBytes("8859_1"),"GB2312");转换后写入数据库一般的汉字都正常,但生僻字为乱码.比如 '沄'

2.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-05-28 11:05

Does Java supports GBK18030 ??

3.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tomyan
Posted on: 2004-05-28 11:29


4.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: weigong94
Posted on: 2004-05-31 01:05


5.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tomyan
Posted on: 2004-05-31 11:47

str1=new String((request.getParameter("name")).getBytes("ISO8859-1"),"GB2312");

str2=new String((request.getParameter("name")).getBytes("ISO8859-1"),"GBK");

str3=new String((request.getParameter("name")).getBytes("ISO8859-1"),"GB18030");


6.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: seeker
Posted on: 2004-06-02 09:48

str1=new String((request.getParameter("name")).getBytes("8859_1"),"GB2312");

7.Re:生僻字在程序里为乱码 [Re: tomyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hexianmao
Posted on: 2004-06-02 11:03


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