Topic: 求助!! (怎麼在2000下安裝JDBC)

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1.求助!! (怎麼在2000下安裝JDBC) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: oklw
Posted on: 2004-05-06 12:24

我是初學者,我用的是windows2000server,安裝了jbuilder和interbase7.1,但是我不知怎麼在2000下安裝JDBC,我在2000中的"Data sources(ODBC)"中的“system DSN”下添加,怎麼也找不到JDBC,請高手幫幫小弟吧!!先謝了!!

2.Re:求助!! [Re: oklw] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kam
Posted on: 2004-05-07 08:50

There isn't exist JDBC component in window ^.^

actually, JDBC is a connection method in Java. If you want to connect to MySQL, you should download another connector...

but if you want to connect to other database...i have no experience, hehehe ^.^

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