Topic: [mssql]Connection reset by peer error

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1.[mssql]Connection reset by peer error Copy to clipboard
Posted by: andy
Posted on: 2003-09-02 07:42

提示错误:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Connection reset by peer: socket write error

运行环境:win ad server + ms sql 2000 + jboss 3.0.4


2.Re:[mssql]Connection reset by peer error [Re: andy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: redmiddle
Posted on: 2003-09-02 11:29


3.Re:[mssql]Connection reset by peer error [Re: andy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-09-02 12:11

Are you sure your resultset's are properly closed?

Also take a look at
this thread is about SQL Server and Tomcat, but I guess similar can be applied to your case, i.e. lower the corresponding Timeout setting.

4.Re:[mssql]Connection reset by peer error [Re: andy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ftang
Posted on: 2003-09-02 23:18

you should check first who reset the peer, could be app serve side and same as sql server side, check the window event, ms jdbc will log error in event log on the side have problem.

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