Topic: James的问题 (如何用james API开发程序?)

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1.James的问题 (如何用james API开发程序?) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: adelejxsx
Posted on: 2003-04-15 10:49

(把 和這個話題合併)

谁用过jsp增加james中的用户(用james API),请各位大侠赐教!

2.Re:james [Re: adelejxsx] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Jove
Posted on: 2003-04-15 13:22

我做过一个项目用了JAMES,不是我负责的, 但基本上是这个思路

3.Re:james [Re: adelejxsx] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: adelejxsx
Posted on: 2003-04-15 15:53

james中用API来增加用户addUser(String name, Object attributes),但这只是一个接口,请问如何调用。

4.Re:james [Re: adelejxsx] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Big Blue
Posted on: 2003-04-16 14:35


5.Re:James的问题 (如何用james API开发程序?) [Re: adelejxsx] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2003-04-24 12:00

Have you tried one of the packages that uses UsersRepository

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