Topic: webMethods Integration World 2005

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1.webMethods Integration World 2005 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-11-14 12:33


I am in Atlanta...anyone else???

2.Re:webMethods Integration World 2005 [Re: wishmaster] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: tian_cookie
Posted on: 2005-11-14 15:23


3.Re:webMethods Integration World 2005 [Re: wishmaster] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-11-17 15:07

visit that web site...overall this year's IW05 has been successful with some large companies presenting their solutions and experiences on implementing webMethods Fabric and related products and solutions...

Also the roadmap is kind of not much...will be around 6.5 for some time...they are working on Release H...but not a whole lot...mostly improvements and performance...

4.Re:webMethods Integration World 2005 [Re: wishmaster] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-11-17 15:23


webMethods Integration World 2005 - Day 2

The general session on Nov 16 featured presentations from the Integration Consortium, a joint presentation by GXS and webMethods and Best Buy, a customer of both companies. The session finally concluded with the revealing of the customer innovation award winners for 2005.

John Schmidt, President, Integration Consortium
John Schmidt kicked things off with a presentation about the Integration Consortium giving the members of the audience an insight about the organization, membership and activities. John highlighted the importance of an IC as a member-driven organization in establishing and exchanging best practices and industry knowledge. Mr. Schmidt talked in detail about the consortium's recent conference and reiterated that webMethods was the winner of the SOA solution showcase - where numerous integration vendors were tasked with building a working demo supporting a purchasing and selling scenario using Web services and an SOA architecture.


GXS, webMethods and Best Buy
Bobby Patrick, Chief Marketing Officer, GXS
Debbie Rosen, EVP Worldwide Marketing, webMethods
Patricia Vessey, Director of Supply Chain Integration, Best Buy

The program continued with Debbie Rosen, webMethods Executive Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, and Bobby Patrick, GXS' CMO, giving attendees an update on the two companies' partnership for Next Generation B2B. According to Bobby, "Next Generation B2B is about the real-time flow of information so that no trading partner is left behind'. webMethods Fabric and GXS trading grid are together enabling partners of all sizes and levels of technology sophistication to participate in the network. In underscoring the issue's critical importance as well as the partnership's global reach, Debbie added that the "ability to collaborate with all of your trading partners is now an imperative."

Highlighting the real-world success that joint customers are enjoying was Pat Vessey, Director of Supply Integration at Best Buy. She noted that Best Buy maintains a complex supply chain designed to ensure high availability of products at low cost with one of their focuses being the need to source and direct import products from Asia that are store-ready on arrival. As such, Best Buy's supply chain strategy is driven by five principals:

Own the end-to-end supply chain pipe
Push costs and responsibilities upstream to supplies so that stores can focus on being stores.
Maintain one version of the truth for product data.
Speed the flow of products through the supply chain to reduce inventory costs
Transform the supply chain into a collaborative platform for partners
According to Vessey, 99% of Best Buys' purchase orders are delivered in real-time, which has reduced supply chain inventory by one day. The company also uses its integration network to support key Vendor Managed Inventory initiatives with music and movie suppliers where stock metrics are updated hourly for overnight replenishment. In regards to the webMethods/GXS partnership, she noted that "both companies listen and respond to customer needs."


webMethods Customer Innovation Awards
In highly anticipated finale to the general session, Eric Austvold, Research Director, AMR Research and one of the judges for the innovation awards declared the 3 winners -

Avnet - Excellence in Market Share Growth
Johnson & Johnson - Excellence in Operational Efficiency
Motorola - Excellence in Customer Service
The awards were presented during this morning's General Session by webMethods President and CEO David Mitchell and COO Rich Chiarello. During an interactive Q & A that accompanied the award's presentation, executives from each firm commented as follows:

Bill Chapman, Avnet - "When one of our business units forecasted a revenue reduction from $48M to $8M due to an inability to service specific clients, we were able to demo a solution in two days and have it operational in just a few weeks."
Shawn Greenwald, Motorola - "The flow of information is critical to Motorola's financial and fulfillment operations. Without webMethods, we couldn't do it...BAM has helped us understand our business better, allowing us to maintain our customer service levels while taking advantage of the opportunity to divest an operation to improve corporate performance."
Dave Kutter, Johnson & Johnson - "How do you enable the big idea. For Johnson & Johnson, its about turning information into an actionable asset."


5.Re:webMethods Integration World 2005 [Re: wishmaster] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-11-17 15:24

webMethods Integration World 2005 - Day 1

Integration World 2005 commenced with a fabulous welcome reception for customer and partner attendees. webMethods Integration World is being attended by more than 900 attendees including customers, partners and analysts. Customers were welcomed at the webMethods and partner showcases where they had the opportunity to be part of a webMethods Fabric tour as they were walked through an order-to-cash process of a company producing DVDs. Customers that completed the entire demo received a DVD movie of their choice. What an exciting start to the event!

General Session - November 15, 2005

Integration World 2005 officially opened this morning in ROUSING fashion! The program commenced with a video montage featuring customers from diverse industries including Johnson & Johnson, Sony, Progress Energy and Fairfax County Public Schools. These customers talked about the innovative ways they power their big ideas, and how webMethods' technology and people fuel those ideas and help them achieve significant business milestones.

The completion of the videos led to the unfurling of a motivating performance by the local Atlanta Gospel group - New Seasons, and a fascinating introduction to the conference by Mark Jeffries, the conference moderator who inaugurated the general session with great wit and humor.

This was followed by keynote presentations from:

David Mitchell - President and CEO, webMethods
Alex Matthews - Chief Architect, ABN AMRO WCS Operations
Marc Breissinger - Vice President and Chief Architect, webMethods


Powering Your Big Ideas with webMethods
David Mitchell, webMethods
The opening raised the bar high for David Mitchell's keynote, but he delivered in true webMethods' fashion. In keeping with the theme of the conference and webMethods' promise to customers, Mr. David Mitchell elaborated how webMethods is helping customers "Power Big Ideas". Posing the question "does IT matter," Mr. Mitchell pointed to the myriad of ways in which IT is transforming business and answered his question with an unequivocal yes. Reflecting on the enterprise shift to a process-centric approach to IT, he challenged the audience to lead this effort and thus become better aligned with line-of-business objectives. Mr. Mitchell further argued that SOA, BPM and ROI are three acronyms that enterprises should be acutely aware of, as they will separate leaders from laggards. He predicted that the leaders would exploit SOA, BPM and ROI to exploit incremental improvements over time and create true competitive advantage.

Mr. Mitchell wrapped his presentation by addressing the question "Why webMethods?" He spoke eloquently on webMethods' long-term leadership in business integration, and how the company will leverage that legacy to maintain its leadership position in the market. As a final thought, Mr. Mitchell stressed webMethods' commitment to help all customers get ahead of the curve by becoming a process centric enterprise and powering their big ideas.

Alex Matthews, ABN AMRO
Following David, Alex Matthews, chief architect of ABN AMRO WCS Operations, echoed David's thoughts on the criticality of aligning IT with business. With a global responsibility for technology strategy and architecture for Investment Banking Operations, Mr. Matthews represents one of the largest wholesale banking businesses in Europe focusing on corporate, institutional and public sector clients.

He spoke on how SOA enables ABN AMRO to sync up IT and business, specifically highlighting how webMethods drives improvements in the alignment of line-of-business objectives. Mr. Matthews also affirmed many of David's comments in stressing the need to sell IT projects from the perspective of business requirements, with SOA and BAM providing the means to do so. By standardizing and integrating the process and leveraging webMethods BAM capabilities, Mr. Matthews highlighted the end-to-end business visibility and control that ABN Amro has achieved along with the powerful ability to meet customer service level agreements (SLA). IT is now looked at a Strategic team by the lines of business and the success using webMethods has helped sell future SOA strategies within the company.

After sharing some key lessons learned, Mr. Matthews left the audience with 3 key pointers for Powering Big their Ideas - Think Big, Start Small, Build Smart.


webMethods Fabric - One Product, One Vision
Marc Breissinger, webMethods
webMethods Chief Architect Marc Breissinger concluded the general session by providing a comprehensive overview of the IT requirements inherent with implementing an SOA, as well as a detailed review on how webMethods Fabric addresses these requirements. Marc also highlighted key elements of the product roadmap, including the upcoming inclusion of a business rules engine, enhanced support for metadata management and new simulation capabilities that will help users more easily manage "what if" scenarios.

Following the general session, customers tuned for the more than 20 track sessions on topics ranging from integration and SOA to improving business process productivity to leveraging customer best practices.

The day capped off with the customer party with festivities running from 7 to 11 o'clock tonight at the 755 Club at Turner Field.

6.Re:webMethods Integration World 2005 [Re: wishmaster] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jiangsuer
Posted on: 2005-11-20 18:07

Great thanks for wishmaster's hard work.

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