Topic: In what conditions,a process can be triggered to execute !

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1.In what conditions,a process can be triggered to execute ! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Lynn
Posted on: 2005-03-13 17:11

hi,can someone tell me in what conditions a process can be triggered to execute,

or give me some related docs?

many thanks...

2.Re:In what conditions,a process can be triggered to execute ! [Re: Lynn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cailuyu
Posted on: 2005-03-14 00:10

封装一下 就可以用document触发了
process封装成module?具体的不记得了 这个算是很基本的了 做过tutorial也不会不知道呀 建议你做一下练习先 磨刀不误砍柴工呀

3.Re:In what conditions,a process can be triggered to execute ! [Re: cailuyu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-03-14 16:23

cailuyu wrote:
封装一下 就可以用document触发了
process封装成module?具体的不记得了 这个算是很基本的了 做过tutorial也不会不知道呀 建议你做一下练习先 磨刀不误砍柴工呀

Smile Agree!!!

4.Re:In what conditions,a process can be triggered to execute ! [Re: Lynn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Sukaiyan
Posted on: 2005-04-02 23:46

You can publish a dcoument that the start step subscribed to trigger you process.

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