Topic: Can't find a role in wM's default Schema file

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1.Can't find a role in wM's default Schema file Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Lynn
Posted on: 2005-03-07 18:08


I've intalled a PIPSTools Package in my IS to implemente a RN 3B18 process,but when i use PIP Builder to builde 3B18 V01.00,I can't find the role "Shipping Provider" in the dropdown list,but this role is defined in RN 3B18 Spec.

then i modified the file: rosettanet_v2_1_webm.xml,reimport it,but it doesn't work!

2.Re:Can't find a role in wM's default Schema file [Re: Lynn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-03-08 15:53

Make sure you downloaded the latest...and read the latest docs....

3.Re:Can't find a role in wM's default Schema file [Re: Lynn] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Lynn
Posted on: 2005-03-13 15:09


yes,it's the newest schema...

and now,i found the partner roles were hard-coded in service:wm.ip.rn.pip:getRoles,i added the 'Shipping Provider' role in the map ,and it works now.

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