Topic: 小弟写了个CMP但是部署的时候报错

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1.小弟写了个CMP但是部署的时候报错 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: J2EE1982
Posted on: 2005-02-03 21:54

Deployment failed on Server myserver activate failed for EJBModule1
  Module: EJBModule1  Error: Exception activating module: EJBModule(EJBModule1,status=PREPARED)

Unable to deploy EJB: Room from EJBModule1.jar:

[EJB:011028]The DataSource with the JNDI name: DataSource could not be located. Please ensure that the DataSource has been
哪位大哥或大姐能告诉我什么意思 ,怎么解决

2.Re:小弟写了个CMP但是部署的时候报错 [Re: J2EE1982] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: hiny2002
Posted on: 2005-02-04 14:53

jndi DataSource 找不到,没有创建,创建一个jndi为 DataSource 的DataSource

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