Topic: 希望高手讲一讲SOA

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1.希望高手讲一讲SOA Copy to clipboard
Posted by: whisperwind
Posted on: 2005-02-03 19:24


2.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-02-04 12:55

Just completed a SOA strategy for one of the major financial services companies in US. And they are seeking to replace MQ infrastructure with SOA.

SOA is more into integration perspective in the with the concept evolving over the years, SOA is into every aspect of enterprise architecture, with ESB as its typical implementation, to replace traditional EAI or MDA and others.

Check Sonic Software's SonicESB and David's book on ESB. Meanwhile, IBM published a book on implementing SOA with ESB...will cover SOA more next time when I am not traveling...

3.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-02-23 16:14

I would suggest everyone interested in SOA/ESB to take a closer look at SonicESB 6.1 eval. Many concepts are not new but the implementation is quite different from the traditional players.

I am currently taking a training in Boston now and will have more details after this.

4.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: StrUtsOne
Posted on: 2005-03-05 10:34

Hi, wishmaster:
You Know a lot, I envy you too muchBig Smile and I hope I can work with you someday.

Got this from Master EJB, hope you can get a bit of help:

A service-oriented architecture(SOA) thus is a paradigm foucusing on development of services rather than piecemeal components such that these services provide a higher level of abstraction from a functional standpoint. Of course, there are more properties to SOA than mere coarse-granularity. One such charateristic property of SOA is that they are autonomous in nature. These independent entities can interact with others in spite of differences in the way they have been implemented or the platform they have been deployed coupled services to address the changing business needs has a huge value proposition and it is well on its way to realization with the emergence of various choreography, orchestration and collaboration technologies such as WS-BPEL, EbXML BPSS, and WS Choreography.

5.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Sukaiyan
Posted on: 2005-04-02 23:27

Quite simply, SOA is an approach to software design(Architecture) where applications are assembled from reusable components(services).
You can get more details about this from IBM developer works.

6.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Sukaiyan
Posted on: 2005-04-02 23:27

If you need documents about SOA, I can mail to you.

7.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: Sukaiyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-04-04 16:15

Sukaiyan wrote:
Quite simply, SOA is an approach to software design(Architecture) where applications are assembled from reusable components(services).
You can get more details about this from IBM developer works.

There are a few books and I would avoid vendor-specific literature as the bulk of the book talks about implementation of SOA using IBM's existing products...Sad

Especially the redbook: developing SOA using ESB ...

8.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: Sukaiyan] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: whisperwind
Posted on: 2005-04-12 11:01

Sukaiyan wrote:
Quite simply, SOA is an approach to software design(Architecture) where applications are assembled from reusable components(services).
You can get more details about this from IBM developer works.


9.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wishmaster
Posted on: 2005-04-12 11:41

whisperwind wrote:

SOA is more from the perspective of a guideline...

10.Re:希望高手讲一讲SOA [Re: whisperwind] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Sukaiyan
Posted on: 2005-04-13 10:46

whisperwind wrote:

这里有个很重要的概念是"Service",What is service?
在“Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems”中,Allen 涉及了服务的概念,“它是将组件描述成提供相关服务的物理黑盒封装的可执行代码单元。它的服务只能通过一致的已发布接口(它包括交互标准)进行访问。组件必须能够连接到其他组件(通过通信接口)以构成一个更大的组”。我觉得这个解释很贴切。
要以SOA的概念来建设一个系统难度在于怎样使一些遗留系统变成service base,比如一个用C开发的系统怎样enhance成service base的系统?这些都需要SOA的推动厂商推出各种service-enable工具,webMethods glue就时一个for java的web service-enable工具。

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