Topic: 瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式

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1.瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: qfvszy
Posted on: 2004-10-04 10:54








2.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2004-10-04 12:14


3.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jameszhang
Posted on: 2004-10-04 20:23


4.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: jameszhang] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2004-10-04 22:58

5.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: nothing] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ringayumi
Posted on: 2004-10-05 00:22

I enjoy your solution. ^_^

Because I do that as you.

If you want to increase some technology , I suggest that you can learn some about the "Design pattern" , it can help you! ^_^

You can go to visit the Oreilly's site , it will publish the Head First Design patterns!

6.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: qfvszy
Posted on: 2004-10-05 07:37




7.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ww1ww1
Posted on: 2004-10-05 10:05

qfvszy wrote:



The last question is actually I eagerly want to ask. Somebody help!

8.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wes109
Posted on: 2004-10-05 12:27

qfvszy wrote:





另外,开发b/s系统,选用一个mvc framework是很有帮助的


9.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lot1
Posted on: 2004-10-06 00:52

1. You can try "Spring" solution.

2. Performance issue - not due to any solution but your code and/or settings "must" have problem, even on a single machine this ("我们并发用户一般不超过5个") shouldnot be a problem at all!

3. 不建议在生产环境下使用tomcat,玩具而已,大并发一压它就over了 totally disagree! I did a few commerical projects based on Tomcat (version 3.x+) for the past few years, not perfomance problem at all (from few thousands users to millions, concurrency at peak hour is definitely > 50). Tomcat is also used as embeded Web container for several famous application servers, I think you know.

10.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-06 02:38

question regarding to #3.

What connection pool are you using with tomcat? Do you have load balancer, server clustering? Do you have any firewall, SSO setting in front of them?

Which specific famous application servers are embedded with tomcat?

Apparently you are not using JTA, JCA, JMS, EJB, etc, I assume. Correct me if I am wrong.

Are you using apache http server or similar in the front for the static resources?

You meaning concurrent hits >50? for how long? What's the total hit per day, per month, in average? How long can the servers be up continuously?
What's the throughtput per request?

Tomcat was originally the RI, but I expect over the time it could get improvements on performance. So I just ask some questions to compare with commercial servers, like weblogic, websphere, etc.

11.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-06 02:44

As for the first post, the solution is simple - Spring, black and white.

12.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: qfvszy
Posted on: 2004-10-06 08:49

thanks for all of your heartly help and suggestion,best regards to U!

13.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: lot1
Posted on: 2004-10-08 23:02

floater wrote:

question regarding to #3.

What connection pool are you using with tomcat? Do you have load balancer, server clustering? Do you have any firewall, SSO setting in front of them?

>> the jdbc pooling is from jakarta commons, you can check, before that, i was using one from third party, but it could not last for a few months (3-4) then gave errors so i wrote my own, it is not that difficult. No real load balancing besides the tomcat connector so I did run multiple tomcat instances, if the project allows to buy a load balance solution, the budget is enough to buy any commerical appliation server. Yes, definitely there is a firewall behind.

Which specific famous application servers are embedded with tomcat?

>> I think Sun application server is using Tomcat, Borland Application Server, JBoss too and some applications, they may not be announced in public. But when you use you have the feeling.

Apparently you are not using JTA, JCA, JMS, EJB, etc, I assume. Correct me if I am wrong.

>> yes, for most applications (small to medium), JSP/Servlet is good and suitable enough, you must read the books from Spring autoher. And if you really need JTA/JCA/JMS/etc, it is still possible, just need to do homework and take more time, of coz, in that case tomcat is not so easy as commercial product as you pay money. So many commercial and big sites are based on ASP/PHP, so why not Java/JSP/Servlet? Java allows us to do almost everything not because of JTA/JCA/JMS/EJB. I lead a few very big EJB projects (millions US$) but to be honest 80%+ of EJB projects failed (from my view of coz). Expert books does have a lot of deep thougts that comes from true experience not just paper/document. That is another topic.

Are you using apache http server or similar in the front for the static resources?

>> yes, apache is so powerful.

You meaning concurrent hits >50? for how long? What's the total hit per day, per month, in average? How long can the servers be up continuously?

What's the throughtput per request?

>> I dont have to statistics to show (as it s not my interest and job) but they are commercial sites so I m sure and not lying. The server is up until sb turns it down ~_~, it is linux/unix machine. Sometimes after upate the application, tomcat needs to restart.

Tomcat was originally the RI, but I expect over the time it could get improvements on performance. So I just ask some questions to compare with commercial servers, like weblogic, websphere, etc.

>>Tomcat definitely shines it is not just RI, from version 3.x it can compete with anybody in terms of Java Web container, thats my experience.

14.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-10-08 23:34

glad to know tomcat is getting better, one more tool to play, Smile.

Another cheap but good server is resin.

yea, asp/php is comparable to jsp/servlet.


15.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: mozhenghua
Posted on: 2004-10-11 09:40

why so small a project needs 50w so high?????????????????

16.Re:瞧,我们组的Web应用开发方式 [Re: qfvszy] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cycloneduck
Posted on: 2004-11-21 12:32

The same felling!!!I thing the project is so simple but needs so high???

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