Topic: CMU Software Process Specialist for CMM

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1.CMU Software Process Specialist for CMM Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jllu
Posted on: 2003-08-01 08:46
本人在CMM 4 的公司里干了3年,还是一头雾水。

2.Re:CMU Software Process Specialist for CMM [Re: jllu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: emarket
Posted on: 2003-08-07 15:59

//hehe,国内没几个公司用的起CMM, 美国以外最多的是印度:)

你再CMM 4公司工作,薪水一定不错吧

3.Re:CMU Software Process Specialist for CMM [Re: jllu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jllu
Posted on: 2003-08-08 10:05

一帮国人办的。hehe. Dr. Song, Ms. Zhao
hehe,CMU does have a lot shameless money raising programs.
Forget it.

俺公司上月刚过了CMM 5 了,不过好象没什么长进。还是一团糟。

工资不高,below average. 没绿卡,只能被剥削。

4.Re:CMU Software Process Specialist for CMM [Re: jllu] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: davidself
Posted on: 2003-08-08 11:32


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